Trail Conditions

10/10/2024 Season Update
All gates are closed and trails are closed until the season opens, weather pending, on 12/15/2024.  If you see equipment or vehicles on the trails, it's BMSC working.
3/6/2024 Update
All trails are closed.  Please stay off all trails.
Trailmaster’s Update 2/28/2024
We don’t like to officially close trails before the end of season since we could always get that late season rouge snow storm. We also think that nobody is riding since you really cannot get to higher trails right now. With that said, all the lower elevation trails are bare with dirt, rocks, mud, water, and what little base there is it is ICE. All soon to be gone with the current warm temperatures and rain. Higher elevations have some snow that is turning wet and melting.
We can’t get up there with our grooming equipment. We ask that you to stay off any trails with minimal snow cover to prevent ground damage in respect of our gracious land owners. These photos are an example of a good area, eek! ☹️
Sorry to say this in writing here, but this may be the end of the current season. We will keep you updated in the event of changing weather and multiple snow storms that would likely be needed to fully be back in shape.

Trails Update 2/20/2024
The last time we groomed the trails was Sunday night, after the weekend riding. Not much has changed...up high is good, down low thin and snirty.We're keeping an eye on the trails and we're hoping to pick up some snow this Thursday night. Even just a few inches of snow will help improve our conditions down on lower sections. Storm will likely be a heavier wet snow and that is just what we need to really stick to the trails and fill in low spots.

Otherwise, we don't have a lot to say other than afternoon temps may be warmer as the week progresses. We'll be reporting back later in the week as the storm gets closer.

Asst. Trailmaster’s Report 2/9/2024
Given the warm temps forecasted for the weekend, this is going to be our only report for the next few days. Groomer is parked until after the weekend.Yes there is riding, but we think that is going to be reserved for up in higher elevations. Trails down low that are thin are going to get thinner and may deteriorate fast.Possible storm events for Tuesday. We'll report back once we know more.
Trailmaster’s Report 2/5/2024
We’ve been out overnight touching up the trails after heavy weekend traffic. Trails are still in good shape. The cold temperatures last night have helped preserve our snow base and things set up nicely.
As the week progresses, there may be a warming trend. We’ll update you later this week.

Trailmaster’s Report 1/30/2024

By Monday evening we got 3”-4” of wet heavy snow overnight. Based on being wet snow and temperatures above freezing during the day, the decision was made not groom on Monday so the snow will have a chance to freeze up and save our base, which is currently doing better than expected.
We’ve run a shift early this morning and we’ll go out again tonight. Trails are turning out nice as you can see, but with relatively low snowfall this season, waterbars are beginning to open up again. Watch for these low-snow hazards. Otherwise, it’s a great day to get outside before temps warm up later this week.

Trailmaster’s Report 1/26/2024

Friday evening update: we got approximately 2" of snow Thursday, then about another 1" of wet snow, sleet, and freezing rain this morning before turning to all rain. The snow on the ground is saturated with all the rain and warmer temperatures.
We have currently put grooming on hold for tonight as the heavy equipment will create more damage to trails by sweezing the water out of the saturated snow and leave standing water on the trails. This creates a real hazardous condition when the freezing temperatures return and turn the trails into an ice rink. Or worse with deep frozen ruts. We will sit tight for a while and let the water drain and snow dry out a bit.
We may get some light snow on Saturday with freezing temperatures on Sunday that may be enough to get the groomer out. Keep your fingers crossed and we'll keep you posted.
Trailmaster's Report 1/22/2024
We groomed all last night to freshen up the trails after the weekend traffic...boy, you guys had a great old time out there! So nice to see everyone out enjoying the trails.
Newly groomed = Corridor 24 from the RR Tracks all the way into Hardy Country, The Town House and Skyview trails, also the Homestead Trail and The Store Trail. We'll most likely groom Primary Trail 150 (Talcott) late tonight into tomorrow.
Steve (Trailmaster) got a chance to share the trail with a seven dog musher team. He says, "it was awesome to see them all in action." As such, it's a good reminder to keep an eye open and be respectful of all our trail users. Mushers, skiers, snowshoe'ers, etc. BMSC is very fortunate to have diverse users of our trail system and many them are gracious landowners. I hope you are lucky enough to see the Dog Team out there, it’s amazing! We think that was Whatleigh Torsey (local landowner) and her Dog Team, but she was moving pretty quick so we couldn't say hello today. We'll see again soon.


Trails Update 1/10/2024
Before the snow turned into rain around 1am, we received about 7” of new heavy wet snow. That new snow appears to be down to 5” of wet snow after the rain.
We consider our trail system closed. Why? With the soft water-logged snow you’ll simply drop right through the snow and hit the dirt. The ruts you create will freeze and ruin our future attempts to groom the trails flat for you. Frozen ruts also make steering your machine quite a challenge, at best. Please stay off the trails today and let it dry out.
We had 1.15” of rain on top of the new snow. It’s actually a good scenario since that first snow was so light. The water will condence/compact the snow. With cold weather, this can freeze and make a nice base if you all just be patient and wait for us to open back up. It should groom out very nicely. Give it a little time and colder temperatures. We’ll report back when we’re open.
Trail Master's Report 12/15/2023
We are sad to report our trails will not open today. We don't have any continuous coverage throughout the system and mild temps in the short-term forecast have plans on keeping us closed.
What we do have is dirt, sparsely scattered snow patches, loose granular dirt, waterbars, and very small rocks. We are ready to open. Our equipment is ready. You should be ready with your BMSC renewal membership and registrations. Get all that done now and avoid the registration line when trails do open up. And thank you for as always for support us!

December 2023 Word to Riders

Although 12/15/2023 is the first official riding day, we will announce whether trails are open or not.  Certain conditions have to be met and we need to protect landowner property.  Be patient, we'll announce when trails are open.  Otherwise, all trails are closed.

Trails are Closed 3/24/2023

You knew this was coming...we don't like it either. We're asking you to stay off the trails. Our low elevation trails are dirt, mud, and snirt (snow and dirt). Given our low trails, our groomer cannot get to higher ground, so out of the utmost respects to our cherished landowners, please stay off the BMSC trails.

We know there is weather coming in tomorrow, but we are unsure of what we'll get. If something goes sideways and we get a snowfall of generous proportions, we may say you can ride. But we're closed unless we have a new post stating as such.

Note: We are not closing gates simply because we cannot get to all of them. Don't read "between any lines" here...we're still closed. They'll be closed once we can make our rounds. Thank you kindly for your understanding.

Trailmaster's Report 3/13/2023
We did not groom last night. Trails took a little hit with warm temps around 50 degrees. Some bare spots down low, up top still good. Is there a good storm coming? Oh yeah!

But...we expect some heavy wet snow and with that comes downed trees and limbs. Be a little patient with us while we get that cleaned up and flattened out. Don't be afraid to go out and ride it either...packing it down will help us out. And, don't be afraid to move branches and debris off the trail, that helps the operators keep trucking along and not having to exit the cab every few miles.

We'll report back Tuesday/Wednesday.

Trailmaster’s Report 2/26/2023
Main trail system is groomed, 24, 150, Store Trail. Can’t groom Corridor 8 (tracks) because rails are showing, didn’t groom the Pemi or Lake Trail since snow is just too thin. Trails that are groomed we’ll give it a 7 to 8 rating. Watch for ice hiding under the snow. Ride like it’s early season conditions.

Trailmaster's Report 2/17/2023
After a survey of our lower trails, we have to be prudent and announce that our trails are closed. We need to protect landowner property and help you to avoid injury. It's just that simple. We'll announce when things open back up. We are just as sad as you. Hang in there!

Trailmaster's Report 2/13/2023
Grooming is temporarily suspended until we have a weather change. Mild temps and high riding pressure have worn out our thin base down low. The trail to Newfound Grocery is barely passable and poor at best. The trail to the Homestead Restaurant has Eversource doing phone line work and our re-route around that is now completely bare; we'd advise driving your vehicle to eat instead.

With trails being marginal at best down low, we are parking our equipment until we get more cold and snow. We know so some clubs may leave their groomer up in the high country, but we've put so much into this equipment (and many of you have donated generously for it) that we don't see it prudent to leave it exposed up in the woods. We know you'll understand.

Winter isn't over yet...hang in there and we'll report back later in the week.

Trailmaster's Report 2/9/2023
8:20am.  We're out right now touching up the trails. The trails are decent and rideable. We understand that Hardy might not grooming over to us on Corridor 24 from Route 3A. We might have some mixed precip coming in tonight...not sure what we're going to get.

We have a warm up tomorrow and it won't be below freezing tomorrow night, so we won't be grooming Friday night. Trails are fine right now. We'll consider grooming Saturday night, but it will depend on the temps and how much snow we lose.

As of right now, 2 large waterbars on Tallcott, today those are frozen and just "dips" in the trail. Store Trail has a few semi-frozen waterbars and the snow there is thin and getting thinner.

Ride today if you can, ride with caution. Another warm week appears to be on tap for next week too. Just enjoy being outside and go easy on the throttle.

Trailmaster's Report 1/27/2023

Trails have set up real nice. You can't groom slope...we have to wait for the right temps and once we run over it, that will (hopefully) freeze up to a nice solid trail that will stand up to sled traffic all day. Now keep in mind our daytime temps are pretty warm by winter standards and the warmer it gets, the more the trails will get beat up. We'll be back out tonight though.

By noon today, the entire system will be groomed.

Winter hazards are no joke! Watch you speed, ride with caution, waterbars are out there. Ride safe everyone!

Trailmaster's Report 12/26/2022
So what's up with the trails? Here's what we know...all that 3" of rain we got last week carved some significant waterbars into the trail surfaces. The water level in those has gone down and froze, so what we're left with is surprisingly deep and sharped-edged-waterbars. Going into one of those at speed would likely stop your machine on a dime and you'd get tossed. There are trees down from what we see from the road and trail crossings. We have not been able to get the groomer out on the trails for a complete survey...that will come in the next few days.
Our recommendation is to steer clear of our trail system for now. We just don't think the conditions are worth someone getting hurt. Trails are marginal at best and we suspect the trails have numerous natural hazards. More reports to follow this week.
Trailmaster's Report 12/20/2022
We are open!  The groomer is out working right now as we type this.  It’s been a few years that we could say we’re open before Christmas.
We decided to wait until now before attempting to groom the trails. Heavy wet snow is hard to move and hard on equipment, it weighs down trees and those trees and limbs wack the equipment, and it’s a lot of extra work and time for the operators. Now that we’ve waited, the snow dried out, it froze to a more solid state and we have something to work with. We’ll attempt to get the trails in riding shape, albeit early season conditions remain.
And we have what appears to be a “rain event” on Friday. If you can cruise around before the weekend, go get it. More updates as the week rolls on. Ride safe! BMSC
Trailmaster's Report 11/22/2022
The official opening date of the trail system is December 15, 2022, weather permitting, and with the approval of the State of New Hampshire.  Until that date, please stay off the trails.  If you see activity on the trails, it will likely be our trail maintenance crew.  Please wait for our word on the opening day.
Trailmaster's Report 3/18/2022
All trails are closed for the season.  See you in December 2022.
Trailmaster's Report 2/11/2022
This trail report will be for today and the upcoming weekend. We have touched up the trails all to the extent that the surface and remaining base can handle. One of our groomer operators commented..."this is likely the pinnacle of our trail conditions" given this year's snowfall.
As typical, higher elevations tails are good, thinner down low. High pressure trails like The Store Trail and The Lake Trail will get thinner as the weekend progresses. Not much we can do with those thinly covered trails. Corridor 8 (railbed) was groomed as well and came out good...but buyer beware...cover is thin, rails are showing in places and when the suns sees those steel rails, snow will melt fast. Watch for hiding and exposed rails as well as switches.
Given the relatively warm temps today and tonight, we are not going out to groom tonight. You've all seen the weather; warm temps coming in for tomorrow. We're not going to tell you to skip riding. To the contrary...ride it while we got it! It's out there waiting for you. Wonderful weather to take the family out and have a nice lunch on the trails with them. Don't sweat the miles, just enjoy being outside. Have fun and be safe!
Trailmaster’s Report 2/5/2022
Almost verbatim…. Corridor 8 (railbed) is groomed from Corridor 24 up to Plymouth. But, in many spots, it’s down to the rails. We won’t go south on the rails until more get snow, too dangerous for us and too thin. The 8 inches of dry snow on top the current base not binding together. Watch speed, it’s very slippery. Yeah, we said slippery for your snowmobile…true story. There were four places where sleds went off corners into the woods. Watch for broken down-sled on Corridor 8. We’ll do the ungroomed trails tomorrow morning…running out time for the Pemi Trail, Lake, and Homestead Trail today. Also, watch for low hanging branches due to ice. Have fun!


Trails were groomed Thursday and Friday leading into the weekend.  This morning at 10am snow is lightly falling in the area and we are expecting at least 6” of snow and that will help a lot.  This snow is expected to be a low moisture snow meaning it likely won’t pack well, so go out and ride to help press it down.  Once the snow is over, we’ll be out Saturday night and in the wee hours of Sunday morning grooming what we got.  Hoping we get enough to make some progress on the railroad tracks (Corridor 8).  Still very cold out there today.  Be safe and have fun!


Trails are open after our first decent snowfall and conditions range from fair to good right now.  The only trails we might not be able to get to before the weekend is the rails (Corridor 8).  We'll check it out and see if there is enough snow to groom and not have the cat scrap the snow off the tracks.  Snow is's not binding together well since it lacks moisture so riding pressure may cause the trails to deteriorate quickly.  We'll be grooming again before the weekend and likely Saturday night.


We are open!  But, there is limited riding.  Main trails are open and mostly passable.  Trail to the lake (The Lake Trail) is not groomed; not enough snow.  Trail to the Homestead is closed (roped off).  There is logging that has rutted up the trail and it's not passable.  There is just not enough snow to fill in the deep holes and tree debris and you will flip your machine over trying to make it through.  Otherwise up at higher elevations, the trails are decent and in other spots it really stinks.
We believe the neighboring clubs are attempting to open too, but check their posts to be sure.  Temps for the weekend will be absolutely frigid.  If you go out, please plan for Arctic conditions, seriously.


We are sorry to say, all trails are still closed at this time.  We simply have not had enough snow to cover the ground and cold to freeze running water.  If you see activity on the trials, it's likely our crew and volunteers getting trails ready.  Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we announce they are open.


All trails are closed until 12/15/2021 and only open on that date weather permitting and with approval from the Trails Bureau.  If you see activity on the trials, it's likely our crew and volunteers getting trails ready.  Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we announce they are open.

3/17/2021 Trails are Closed for the Season

As we said last Friday, our lower trails are impassable which means we can’t get to our higher elevation trails and neither can you. We can’t get to all of our gates to close them yet, but we do consider the BMSC system closed.
Yes we feel like crying too, but we ended up having a hell of a good year considering the weather. Lot of achievements were made this year and we’ll detail them in another message soon.
Until then, our partner clubs to the west/north are still going strong at upper elevations; Hardy and Baker. Go check them out. This weekend might be your last chance; looks like a longer term warmup is coming next week. Stay classy BMSC’ers!

3/11/2021  We have a special request!

Kindly stay off the trails today and tomorrow. Temps are expected to reach 60 today and 50+ tomorrow. We must protect landowner property. Low trails like 24 east, The Store Trail, and The Lake Trail are very thin and in certain areas, you are riding the dirt/grass/rocks and we cannot let that happen. Also, if we a snowballs chance in hell to ride after this warm up, it would be helpful to not have to attempt to smooth out frozen ruts made by riders.
This might be the end, but then again, fairy tales can come true, it can happen you. You might be riding again, if the snow comes we'll fix it up then.

 3/10/2021 Update

Temps are going to make a run for it starting today into Friday. This will likely end the riding on The Lake Trail. There was about 100ft or more of exposed dirt on that trail already. Otherwise we’d recommend staying off the trails Thursday mid day through Friday when temps are the warmest. Riding will only rut up the trails and if there is any chance of getting things back in shape over the weekend with colder temps, it will make for better chances of recovery (without having to fix frozen ruts). We did groom some of the trails Monday night and we’re going into the warm up with relatively flat trails and thin snow down low. We’ll report back later this week.

Trail Master’s Report 3/7/2021

Sunday report. Groomed 24 to Pike Hill, Poole Hill, and Russ is doing Coach Rd across to Talcott trail. Corners are icy so watch speed. Check prior reports...not much has changed...
Maybe the last weekend? Gonna be hot next week. Lower trails are thin and likely won’t survive so our groomer won’t be able to get to the higher trails. Might be the last time we run the groomer this season...we’ll need snow and cold snap after this upcoming week...for BMSC, the end is near...just saying...

Trail Master’s Report 3/6/2021

Groomer is heading back to the shed right now. Touched up 24, around the townhouse. Heard our trail connecting to 24 west to Hardy (including Favor Rd) was done. The hill that crosses over the turnpike could not be done due to icy conditions so that was not done. Use caution over there if you head that way...and on hills in our area is all around. Otherwise, same info as yesterday...good up high, thin down low, icy in some areas. Lot of sleds out already have fun out there!

Trail Master’s Report 3/5/2021

Groom has been out early this morning shaping things up.  Word to the wise...ride now! Trails in higher country are in very good shape considering this year's snowpack. Be advised, The Lake Trail is in rough condition...snow cover is thin, so thin that we could only get half-way down the trail today and had to turn back. You can get through it, but it ain't pretty. Likewise, the Store Trail to Newfound Grocery/Bridgewater Inn and Outdoor Performance, is thin but in better shape; just watch for ice. That trail has been getting tremendous pressure all season long.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that there is warm up forecasted for mid-late week this upcoming week. Our neighboring clubs have nice conditions, so get out and ride local, hit some restaurants, and enjoy some local riding.  Be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/28/2021
With yesterday’s few inches of snow ending with some rain and warm temps, we didn’t groom last night. Forecasted high temp today is 43 might be a good day to do some ice fishing with the derby going on.

With the weather being a little funny, we will try to bring trails back to life on Monday night and Tuesday night if temps allow. So long as it’s viable will try to keep trails it in shape. It will be day to day and we’ll see how goes. Spring is getting here...have fun outside!

Trail Master’s Report 2/21/2021

Trails are getting used, we can tell!  Groomed two shifts overnight; one last night and another early this morning. Gonna be a another nice day today, ride if you can. Forecast for the next 10 days has 3+ days above 32 degrees and 1 day above 40. Watch your speeds and be courteous to your fellow snowmobilers.

Trail Master’s Report 2/20/2021

The light snow that fell yesterday amounts to approximately 3 inches which is mixing with the old snow. 22 degrees no wind yet, chilly, conditions are an 8 to 9. Cor 8 is getting more coverage which will allow grooming shortly. Please be patient; we’ll go survey the southern end of Corridor 8 and see if we can groom the tracks safely. The northern end of Corr 8 towards Plymouth is too thin to groom. We just need a good 8” plus storm to groom the whole run.
Ride early as conditions will definitely deteriorate as the day goes on. Eric will be out early evening to smooth out today’s bumps. I will be out over night and Russ will be out tomorrow evening. We know that things get banged up we will do our best to fix them. From the entire team at BMSC, please be safe.

Trail Master’s Report 2/19/2021

From earlier this morning...conditions continue to improve as we seem to be gathering little bits of snow storms. Each one touches up the trails to freshen things up. Head the advice in the video...long range forecast shows temps increasing next week. Perfect day and weekend to ride.

Trail Master's Report 2/17/2021

In the past 24 hours we received approximately 2 inches of wet snow, sleet, ice, then rain. We let everything settle and got out to groom about 2:30 am and we're continuing to work it this morning. We'll be out until about 10am and out again for the evening around 4 pm.
This year has brought more riding pressure to our area than we've seen in past years. We think it's because we have such great amenities right on the trails...restaurants, fuel, snowmobile repairs, etc. Trails are seeing tremendous pressure and we still have relatively thin conditions. Remember it takes us about 20 hours to get around the system. We know it is bumpy in places of high traffic and we will be on it. The new snow is actually just what we need to help fill in the humps and hollows, but understand that high pressure areas like The Store Trail are thin, but reasonably passable.
It's pretty darn cold today with low temps and wind. The cold temps and new snow with some moisture should help add to/and firm the existing base. Have fun and be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/13/2021

Trails are looking good overall and we’ll continue to groom the rest of the weekend. We have a few shakey areas...the Store Trail is thin from so much use and the lower Pemi trail just hasn’t got enough snow down low. Still no grooming on the rails as there is not enough snow on the tracks. Maybe some new snow tomorrow and maybe a decent storm Tuesday. Gonna be a cold one! Ride safe all!

Trail Master's Report 2/9/2021

By today we'll have touched up all the trails in the system with the exception of the railbed (Corridor 8). We need some significant snow to fill in the tracks before we can groom the tracks otherwise we're just riding the metal rails with our cleated groomer track. Trail Master says trails are overall an "8". Mid-week riding at its best!
We prefer to not mention anything about the ice on the lake or river...we can NEVER tell you whether it's safe or not. We receive numerous inquires about the ice thickness. We don't measure it, test it, or go on it. Our trails don't go over the ice and we don't groom the ice...never have, never will. This year the locals know the entire lake only recently skimmed over with ice and now a thin layer of snow is hiding thin ice. WMUR reported several sleds through the ice on the north end of the lake this past weekend. We don't recommend you ride the lake ever, but if you do, you are obviously doing so at your own risk. Contact NH Fish & Game and if you don't know, or just be safe and stay off the ice.

Trail Master’s Report 2/5/2021

Out early AM freshening up Corr 24, Primary 150, and The Store Trail. Overall we’ll give it a 6 to a 7. We are not ashamed of our trails given the snow we’ve received. As the days progress through this season we can say “every new day brings the best conditions of the season”.
Hope we get a little tune-up of a few extra inches of snow today. Grooming will continue over the weekend. Time to ride guys!

Trail Master's Report 2/4/2021

Earlier this week we received 4" down low and 6" or so up in the hills.  We've been our grooming since the light storm and this new snow has help improve the trails for sure.
We did groom the Lake Trail and the Pemi Trail yesterday. It was the first time this year and both trails are thin in places due to less snow at lower elevations. It's passable, but thin. Conditions up high are pretty darn good. We will back out tonight to spruce things up for your weekend enjoyment. Be safe!

Trail Master's Report 1/29/2021

No change since our last report except that it's pretty darn cold!  Conditions up high are good, down low = thin. Despite the cold, we are seeing some water bubble up and create frozen obstacles on the trails, be careful of those please.
We could really use any snow that might be coming next week...if that happens, we'll be right on it making the trails great again. Be well, be safe, and warm!

Trail Master's Report 1/27/2021 

We received 1" (inch) of new snow which we are going to leave on the trails for now.  We did touch up the trails on Monday and it's pretty solid right now.  We'll let the wind blow some of this light snow onto the trails.  We're planning to attempt to groom the Pemi Trail, Homestead Trail, and The Lake Trail perhaps tomorrow.  No guarantees, but we'll do the best we can.  Overall conditions we'll rate as a 5-6 on a 10 scale.  Keep your eyes open for waterbars.  Report forthcoming before the weekend.  Ride safe!

Trail Master's Report 1/22/2021 (and for the weekend too)

We'll be grooming the trails tonight and early Saturday morning. Concentration will be in the high country trails: Cor 24 into Hardy Country, Primary 150, Talcott Trail, top of the mountain by the Stone House, our new Bypass Trail.
We think you get it...this will be early season riding which means water bars, lack of snow on lower elevations, ice under thin snow cover. On Corridor 8 the tracks are fully exposed, so don't plan to ride those unless you're a train. The store trail has been groomed, however there is a major water bar about half way up; not enough snow to fill in yet. I think you get the dilio, right? We will try and put a shelf where they plowed Poole Hill Road.
Note: Both the Pemi River and Newfound Lake are not frozen. We can never tell you if they're safe or not, but due to the extraordinary year we're having, very little is frozen to be able ice fish let alone snowmobile on it.
If you were to bring a small brush saw or loppers and trim a little hanging brush it would greatly appreciated. It may be a good day to cook a couple hot dogs on the trail and have low expectations about conditions and you'll likely have a nice time riding around. Another update forthcoming Sunday.

Trail Master’s Report 1/19/2021

Our trails are open again! Expect marginal conditions on average. Good up high, thin down low. No snow to speak of on the tracks. Low expectations might make for some local fun. Please ride conservatively and watch for ice under thin snow in the low lying areas.

Trail Master's Report for 1/8/20221 and the Weekend

We're still closed and will remain closed until we get more snow. Don't be deceived by the snow in this photo...snowmobile skis cut right through it and you're down on the dirt and rocks. And you can imagine that the snow is thinner in many spots and we have open waterbars throughout the system.
Was going to wait until a later date to applaud our local riders, but we'll say it now. Thank you for staying off the trails and respecting our local landowners. There was not one set of tracks on the trails.
Please maintain your composure for just a little longer, we'll be riding soon.
If you see tracks at the road crossings it's us in this tracked machine or an old snowmobile out removing additional limbs and trees so we keep the trails clear for when new snow arrives. We are not taking the groomer out; it would simply bounce off the hard ground and rocks under the snow...we're trying to preserve our equipment too.
If you need something to do, consider coming up to the area, getting some take out food, maybe go ice fishing where it's safe, go for a hike and enjoy other outdoor adventures the region has to offer. We look forward to seeing you on the trails soon.
Trail Master's Report 1/6/2021
We are definitely in a holding pattern as far as snow goes. The temperature continues to be cold so we are maintaining snow cover at about 3 to 4 inches. One of our members is also a musher and had her dogs out for exercise the other day on our trail system. She reported that they went through the snow cover to the ground in many places. This is the reason we don't have the groomer out on the trails right now.
The point we're making is that the snow cover is thin and therefore we ask you to stay off until further accumulations make it safe for us to run the groomer and for you to run your sleds. Russ and Don will be out the next couple days removing some downed trees.
Wish we had more positive news, but this is what we have to report; it's a real bummer for all of us. Stay safe, thank you for supporting BMSC, and thank you for your patience.


Trail Master’s Report 1/2/2021

Every little bit helps, however we need another 8 inches on top of this new “base”. We did get (so far) 2 inches of frozen sleet pellets which don’t bond well when you run a drag over it. What ever there is over the whole system, nothing we received today will put us back in opening condition. The gates are not closed, but we and the state consider the trails closed.

But! This is a helpful start to making a base. A little more moisture and freezing temps may turn this into a nice base. More snow on the way Sunday night.

Trail Masters' Report 12/28/2020

We think you already know what's going around the rest of the state we got our fair share of rain on Christmas day. Now we have sections of snow, dirt, frozen mud, waterbars, ice, hilly ice, crunchy ice, packed ice, lose granular dirt, frozen leaves, and regular dirt. We consider the trails closed at this time, but we're not going out to close gates...too sketchy out there for us to move around the trails.
Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we get some snow to report about. Know this as well too please...if we get 5" of snow, it will not put us back in business...we need some decent continuous cold and few storms to get ourselves going again.
We're watching the weather for later this week and perhaps this forecasted ice/rain event will turn into a snowstorm...keep your fingers crossed! We'll report back before the year is over...HA!

Trail Master’s Report 12/25/2020
Until we can survey the trails, we’ll call it closed for now. We saw a high temp today of 60 and rain all day. We presume there are open waterbars and sparsely covered trails all over the system. We’ll report back tomorrow with more details and photos.

Please stay off the trails so we can preserve what little base we have left and so you can preserve yourself and your machine.

Trail Master's Report 12/22/2020

It's 41 degrees at 12:35pm and conditions have taken a decent downward turn...we would rate the trails a 4-5 (out of 10) and with the warmth we'll start to see waterbars open up. Watch out for the dirt/mud soon too and with rain expected later this week, things are not looking great. Don't forget this snow landed on the ground which was not completely frozen yet.
That being said, as it warms up we think it would be helpful to stay off the trails beginning midweek...especially Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Let's see how things look after the rain stops and see what temps do. Our interest right now is your safety and preserving the work we put into the trails so far.
Don't worry too much, we can handle a little rain and it appears the originally forecasted 2" of rain might have been lessened. Let's hope it tapers off even more. We'll report back before the weekend.

Trail Master's Report 12/18/2020

We did go out last night to open gates...we are open. But read on...
We surveyed a fair amount of the trails last night and overall, it went pretty well. However, we are not going to have this system fully groomed this weekend. We have so much snow and everything is taking so much more time. The machine is going through 24" to 30" of snow just fine, but with no base it’s slow. Like we said yesterday, the dry light snow makes you drop right through it to the bottom...and we have little to no base. It does need to settle and it would not hurt for it to warm up like this weekend and compact with moisture. Then, we'll have something to work with. We will likely be out during the day for the next few days...
We don’t want to mislead people thinking everything will be perfect. It will not be perfect, far from it, but we are going to do the best we can. Ride with extreme caution and expect to bump into things (rocks, dirt, branches) under the snow if you're breaking trail anywhere. Despite a healthy snowfall, expect early season conditions...aka, old school. Ride the old sled, not the new one!
The season is here BMSC'ers! Join the club, make a donation to the groomer fund (our club dues are the lowest around), register the sleds, ride and have fun.


Trail Master’s Report 12/9/2020
At this time, all gates and trails are considered closed.  Trails do not open until 12/15/2020 and even then we may not be "open" if we don't have have sufficient snow cover.  At this time it doesn't appear likely that we will be open for 12/15.  Be patient, we need some cold weather to freeze up the ground and running water first.  Then snow...lots of it!  In the mean-time, join club BMSC and register those machines.  We'll get down to brass tacks asap!


Trail Master’s Report 3/26/2020
All trails in the State of New Hampshire are closed for the season.  See you next year!

Trail Master’s Report 3/9/2020
Trails are closed.  Currently 55 degrees and we're on our way up.  Record for today is 73, don't think we'll get there, but it will be 60-something shortly.  And likely 60 tomorrow too.  We're pretty close to saying it's over for the season, barring some string of cold days followed by a blizzard.  So yeah, it would have to get crazy around here to open back up.  Who knows, stranger stuff has happened!


Trail Master’s Report 3/4/2020
Trails remain closed at this time. We lost a bit more snow yesterday, got up to 60 degrees with temps as warm as 40 overnight. Our trails in the low country are toast...up high we do still have a base, so if we do have a decent storm we could be riding again. We would close gates, but most of the gates are frozen in snowbanks or ice. Please respect the landowner property by staying off the trails.

We have a club meeting tomorrow night, 7pm at the Homestead. All are welcome to attend.

Trail Master’s Report 2/28/2020

Trials are considered closed for right now.  Since Sunday the average temp this week was 43 degrees with a few days above 50.  We received rain instead of snow in the last "storm".  There were some high winds yesterday and we don't know if we have trees down.  Lower trails were already thin and now it's snow!

To preserve the landowners' property, we must close the trails.  Most of the gates are frozen in ice or snow so we cannot close them, otherwise we would.  The season is not over by any means...but we need a good snowstorm or two to open.  Some of our neighboring clubs are in the same boat.  Sorry for the news guys.


Trail Master’s Report 2/26/2020
34 degrees this morning.  Ugh.  We cannot groom without more new snow.  Don't know how to phrase this any other way.  "Risk reward" takes hold in this situation...damage to equipment and damage to landowners property?  Groomer is parked for today.  We’ll report back after we get some new snow.

Trail Master’s Report 2/24/2020
It was 53 degrees today, but not much traffic We will not get out tonight; just too warm. Weather forecast says 8” to 10”Wednesday night and Thursday. More importantly, it will be colder. A lot of rails showing, however we still have snow be patient things are not all lost. Grooming suspended until it cools off.

Trail Master's Report 2/21/2020

Currently -2 and trails are setting up real nice and hard. We groomed Corridor 8 earlier this morning and that end of 24 as well. Heading out towards 150 and will be down the Lake Trail around 9ish.

Trails are going to be real nice today and tomorrow...Sunday brings a warm up and warmer still on Monday. Ride it now BMSC'ers! You never what you're gonna get (next week)...ride safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/19/2020
We received 6"-7" of new snow, dry fluffy snow. We've been out since 3am tuning up the trails. It's not going to stick together well so be prepared for loose conditions. It will take us the better part of today and tomorrow to hit the trails. Today we've done Corridor 8 (tracks), 24, 150, Talcott and the Store Trail. The trails are coming out nice. Tomorrow we'll groom the main trails and The Lake Trail. The Lake Trail is somewhat thin so we want this snow to settle and hopefully some folks ride it and pack it down.


Trail Master’s Report 2/17/2020
We did not groom last night as we've been working hard for the past three days.  And, we surveyed the trails by sled yesterday afternoon and overall we're still in in good's our report...Corridor 8 (railbed) is in good condition with rails showing in a few spots.  There is one small bridge that could not be filled in due to lack of snow to push around...slow down and it's a non-issue.  24 is in good shape.  Talcott is in very good shape. Store Trail is getting high pressure and thin in spots, but passable.  The Lake Trail is getting thin and the steep hill is getting a bit snirty.  We are hoping to pick up some snow tomorrow and hopefully we don't get rain.  If we get the snow, we'll groom up everything asap.  You'll see a reoccurring theme in the local area...trails up high are good...trails down at lower elevations are getting thin.

Trail Master’s Report 2/16/2020
Trails groomed last night; Corridor 8 (tracks, thin in spots) watch out for switches in Plymouth, they're exposed in town.  Also groomed is 24, 150, the Store Trail and Talcott.  Snow is a bit loose today, but trails are in great shape.  Ride conservative; lot of sleds out and several accidents were reported in the area yesterday...stay on your side and stay alive!  Have fun all!


Trail Master’s Report 2/15/2020
Trails tuned up last night; The Lake Trail, Primary 150, and Corridor 24. With the cold last night and this morning, trails should have set up very well. The northern section of the rails (from 24 to Plymouth) we groomed yesterday...they are a little thin, but decently passable. Rails from 24 south were not groomed as the cover over the trestle was too thin for the groomer to pass over.

Dress warm this morning and watch for traffic as there are several sled events going on this weekend. Trails are the best they’ve been all season. Get out and ride!

Trail Master's Report 2/10/2020
Quick note...About 2" of new soft snow last night, low water content, will leave until tonight cause if we try to smooth it out, it'll just blow away. Should be nice riding if you can get out today. Doing maintenance projects on the groomer and various saws/equipment today otherwise. Groomer will go out when temperature drops tonight. Temps are going above freezing today which will help put some water in the snow. Snow should mix nice and lay down for another great day for Tuesday. Have fun today!


Trailmaster’s Report 2/9/2020

Out grooming right now.  Where we have snow the trails are grooming up quite nice.  Trouble spots still include water-bars.  Lack of consistent cold and thin snow don’t leave us much to work with, but we’re trying.  Working down to Homestead and Pemi Trails this morning.  All main trails will be groomed today.  Very cold this morning, -6!  Ride with caution and keep looking for water-bars.

Note: sorry, posted conditions here yesterday but it did not save.

Update 2/4/2020

There’s a storm predicted for later this week and we really need it. Grooming ops are still on hold until we get new snow. As we’ve said in prior posts, we simply don’t have enough consistent snow to run the equipment. Once we do have snow, we have operators ready to work non-stop to get us back in shape. Keep in mind we need a good amount of snow to make that happen.


Trail Master's Report 1/31/2020

Trail report for the entire weekend...keep going north if you want more consistent conditions. We just can’t offer good continuous riding in our trial system right now. We have some sections that are downright lovely and others that are downright treacherous.  Frankly we don't think conditions are safe for riding...too much ice, still have open water-bars, to variable...sorry to say but it's true.

Maybe do some ice fishing on the lake and pick up your bait and license at Newfound Grocery? You can still enjoy the great outdoors in the Newfound region!


Trails Report 1/28/2020

Not much to say right now BMSC peeps except this. If you have a beater sled and you don’t mind dunking it through water-bars, some mud, snirt, ice, and snow, then go for it. Otherwise we’d suggest you stay home until we get some new snow...grooming ops are on HOLD until snow arrives. Conditions are poor at best. There might be stretches of goodness in spots, but they’re interrupted by moments of hell.

Trail Master’s Report 1/26/2020

We didn’t get hurt as much as we thought by the rain in the past 24 hours, but it is warm. And it’s going to warm again today. Grooming operations are on hold until we get more snow. We simply don’t have enough snow to work with and we can’t afford to damage our equipment.  If you decide to ride, use extreme caution and be ready for full-on spring conditions.

Trail Master’s Report 1/24/2020

We have more of the same to report...little bit thin, we’re grooming what we have to work with, we’ve got water-bars...and we need snow. Suspect weather is coming in Saturday night and it could be @#$*$%&# rain into Sunday. The forecast could change, we’ll have to wait and see. We will report back Saturday. Otherwise, get it in today and tomorrow morning!


Trail Master's Report 1/20/2020 - From the Cab of the 180
We groomed yesterday from 3pm to 9pm after you guys packed the trails down. The warmer temps and riders helped gel the snow together and then a quick drop to freezing temps allowed the trails to firm right up when we ran the groomer over things later in the day. There were a LOT of sleds out yesterday...very cool to see that. Just understand with so much riding pressure and a thin base, please adjust your expectations.

8:44am. We're out right now and just groomed the Lake Trail for the first time this year and it came out ok. Thin but ok.

Groomed Yesterday: 24, 150, Skyview, Poole Hill
Groomed Today: The Lake Trail, Store Trail, Homestead Trail
Tomorrow: Pemi Trail, Talcot, 24, part of 150

We do need snow and we do still have a few water-bars, but it's getting better. We'll call trail conditions a 5 or 6 on average..."thin but rideable". Enjoy!

Trail Master’s Report 1/19/2020
4:30am. Snow has stopped here, about 5 inches of new accumulation, chilly 15 degrees, no wind. So please ride it and have fun. We’d prefer to have your sleds just pack it down and help it adhere to the existing base. The snow texture is granular with light moisture and if we let it sit with the slightly warmer temps that we’ll have in the afternoon, it should help it set up nice when we groom later today. (Little bit of melt = stick) We need to let it sit prior to grooming. Grooming will commence at 3:30pm. There was no wind last night so there should be no drifting. Go have fun in the fresh snow. BUT! The new snow may be hiding your speed and be ready. We’ll report back after we groom again.
Trail Master's Report 1/17/2020
We got 5-10" of snow depending on elevation and we've been out grooming since early am.  Super cold out!  Good in places but we still have running water and water-bars. Low areas of our trails have less snow than up high which might sound obvious, but keep that in mind. Hoping that this cold snap will freeze the water and new snow coming Saturday night can fill in the water-bars.
There are sections of the trial that are "9" (out of 10) and sections that are "3". The Store Trail to Newfound Grocery stinks...water-bars...they just need to freeze. We have not been down to The Lake Trail yet...we suspect there is decent water flowing in the lowest parts. We have not done the tracks (Corridor 8) yet as we need more snow. This recent snow is just helping to bolster our base. IF we get the snow for Saturday night into Sunday, we'll be grooming that new snow Sunday night. Try to patient for really nice conditions...if you have some older machines and don't mind running them through water-bars here and there, have at it. I don't think you should be driving from afar to come ride the trails quite yet...Monday might be our best shot...
Newfound Grocery, might be able to fit a truck or two at the Big Catch at the south end of Newfound.  Power Plant in Bridgewater (right on the tracks, Corridor 11), intersection of Dick Brown Rd and Poole Hill Rd.
Quickie Update 1/16/2020

32 degree and snowing...wet snow, the kind we need and it's snowing moderately. This won't be "the" storm we need to get back in shape, but it's just one of a few that should help us out. Frigid conditions are coming for tomorrow and Saturday. These cold temps and snow expected for Saturday night should help lock up water-bars and provide a "new" base for which we can begin to get the trails in shape. We'll update you with a report tomorrow.


Report for 1/11/2020 to 1/12/202

With this weekend’s forecasted 50+ degree temps and rain, it would be a HUGE help if everyone would stay off the trails while they are soft and slushy. If people ride while the trails are soft, everything will get all rutted up and then when things re-freeze they will be a mess. We understand that registrations aren’t cheap and riding time is limited, but by staying off the trails while they are soft it should help us preserve our base, and then when things turn cold again and we get a little more snow, our amazing groomer operators will be able to work their magic and get things back into good shape for us all to enjoy.

The above was copied from the ANDOVER SC’s facebook well-said it deserved to be repeated here.  We’ll report back ASAP after Sunday.

Trail Master's Report 1/9/2020
We're our grooming right now.  Super cold this morning with drifting snow.  We had some 40 water-bars throughout our trail system and we've got that down my 75%. 
Today is great day to ride if you can. Warm-up predicted for tomorrow and rain is likey Saturday with warm temps. Weekend might be a bust, so ride today and tomorrow if you can. Trails are in good shape. Damn you weekend forecast @&$%#!
Trail Master's Report 1/4/2020
8am and it's 33 degrees with light rain. We did groom our main trails yesterday and attempted to fix a few spots, but we're not doing much good right now. Too warm, too humid, too much water running and not enough cold. If we push snow into water-bars, it just melts. Our region around Newfound is decently wet right now because we have not had consistent freezing temps.
Riding is rated 3-4 on a 10 scale (thumbs down). We are expecting some some snow this afternoon, maybe a few inches, but that will be after some light rain this morning. We don't recommend traveling here to ride today. You will see and ride through water-bars...there is no way around that.
We have not groomed the Pemi Trail nor have we groomed the Lake Trail. Lake Trail has some wet areas and we suspect there is water running and if we run the groomer through that, we'll make a big mess. This upcoming week will bring some freezing temps and we hope that firms ups the base and water-bars.
Park at Newfound Grocery or Bridgewater Power Plant to hit our trails.


Trail Master’s Report 12/31/2019

This is what we wanted! Well it’s pretty close; wet snow that could compress and freeze would be the best for early base snow...we got a snow mixture of ice pellets, snow, wet snow, which does make it a little tricky for the snow to gel together and “stick” but we’ll take what we have!  We were out yesterday and we’ll finish up today so you can ride today!


Consider this early season conditions...there may be low spots, water bars, branches down. Bring a small saw just in case limbs come down and feel free to help us out and move debris off the trail.


Check online to make sure our friends to the north (Hardy) and friends to the east (Squam) are grooming too so you can move around...we can’t speak for those fine folks. Park at Newfound Grocery, Bridgewater Power Plant, and maybe even The Big Catch.  Don’t even think about asking us if the lake is safe!


Trail Master's Report 12/26/2019
Trails are still closed, gates are closed.  We don't have enough snow to groom just yet.  Hang in there, we'll report back as soon as we have good news.

Trail Master's Report 12/21/2019
Trails are still closed, gates are closed.  We don't have enough snow to groom just yet.  Hang in there, we'll report back as soon as we have good news.

Trail Master's Report 12/02/2019
We've got snow but no trails to ride on yet.  The trails are closed until we announce that the trails are open.  Get your BMSC membership renewed and then check back here for conditions on 12/15/2019. 🙂


Trail Master's Report 3/28/2019
It's sad and bittersweet, but we are officially closed. We've held onto snow up top, but down low there are many locations where the ground is showing and we've got to preserve and protect the landowners' property. We'll see 60 degrees this coming Saturday. Time to pull the plug, officially. Don't forget, there is still riding to be had in Coos County though.


Trail Master’s Report 3/24/2019

We did not groom last night and we suspect that our grooming for the season is over.Our groomer is parked in the low-country and snow is getting very thin and our biggest hurdle is that Bridgewater Hill Rd is a mud bog.That’s the road (Corridor 24) you have to ride on the shoulder and then it turns to dirt/mud.Tracks have rails showing in a lot of spots.Water is starting to run.There is some decent riding up high on the mountain, but getting there is an issue.

It’s been a great season overall guys and there is still riding to be had TODAY locally...Hardy Country groomed last night and they have good snow on their western trails.I’ve read Central is in good shape too.You can likely piece together one good local ride today.Go out and have some fun and enjoy some classic local riding in the Newfound area.

This is not goodbye, but we’re standing on the steps talking about...most likely we’ll say we’re closed next weekend...

Trail Master's Report 3/22/2019
40 degrees and raining lightly in Plymouth on River Road.  Early today up on the mountain they got 2 inches of new snow, but it's warmed up quite a bit.  Given the rain and current conditions, we do not plan to groom; any new snow we got went away with the rain.  Conditions are getting thin and variable all around.  Rails are showing on Corridor 8.    Bridgewater Hill Rd is mud and traveling on the side of the road is not very pleasurable.  If you're local and want to ride on the mountain, go ride...but we don't think it's worth traveling any distance to come up and ride.  Consider heading more north for consistent conditions. 
If things change or there is something to groom, we'll post an update.  Otherwise, this will be the update for Friday and Saturday.


Trail Master’s Report 3/17/2019

We’re running out of steam, so short and sweet!  Trails are 8 to 8.5.  Can’t groom the tracks, rails are showing.  But, Definitely worth riding.  You guys stayed off the trails during the warm up, that helped, A LOT.  Hardy Country groomed, go out and have a nice ride around the lake, get some lunch, gas, a new snowmobile and relax.  Did you know you can do that all on our trail system?  #true

We should be in good enough shape tkmride next weekend too!  We’ll report back.


Trail Master’s Report 3/16/2019

So it’s warm right now and will be for the whole day.We have not groomed since earlier this one point earlier this week the trails were good and flat.We did ask that you stay off the trails during the past two days of hot weather, but we know that everyone doesn’t has Facebook or the some missed our posts and some are just gonna ride cause they paid to ride.In either case, expect full on Spring conditions and watch for water bars and fallen snow bridges.  As temps fall tonight we’ll groom as conditions allow.


Trail Master's Report 3/14/2019

It didn't get as cold as we expected last night and we did not groom. Please stay off the trails today and tomorrow to help preserve the base and recently groomed surface. It's going to be very warm today and tomorrow. Colder weather coming for the weekend nights and we'll groom then. Thank you for your cooperation!

Trail Master’s Report 3/11/2019
This morning temps were just low enough for us to groom the tracks (Corridor 8 ). They were pretty rough from Saturday and we couldn’t get to them yesterday. Also groomed 24e and 24w then heading back home.

This week brings a new weather pattern which is not especially favorable for sledding. We’ll report back later this week to see if weekend riding is in the plans. Try and stay awake today guys and enjoy the extra daylight this afternoon!


Trail Master’s Report 3/10/2019

You guys sure did enjoy yourselves yesterday and it did get warm too.That combo has allowed us the pleasure of grooming some trails twice this morning!  So things have taken us a little longer today.

Spring riding continues and we’re still grooming right now as of this post.We’re expecting snow in about an hour and a warm up again this afternoon.It’ll be another great day on the trails with the fresh snow falling.

Groomed this am: Corridor 8, 24, 150, The Lake Trail, Store Trail.That’ll be what we can get to today.


Trail Master’s Report 3/9/2019
Corridor 8, 24, 150, Lake Trail touched up and literally being groomed right now. Trails will be great early and likely a little bumpy later as it warms during the day. Ride early and often!

Had a little trouble with one of our own machines while riding yesterday and guess what? Tow straps come in very handy! And I towed it right down to Outdoor Performance the local Ski-Doo dealer right on the trail system. They have new and used sleds, oil, accessories and parts...and yes, repairs! That worked out great!

Enjoy what will surely be a beautiful day! (And stop calling me Shirley!)


Trail Master’s Report 3/8/2019
We had a very productive club meeting last night! Many thanks to the guests that attended and expressed their enthusiasm and support for local riding.

We attempt to time the release of these reports so you have adequate information to make your weekend plans. 6am Video passing through your news feed and we hope you see it so you can make some decisions about what to do and where to go.

Check out today’s video on Facebook...and know this...riding is stellar in our area and surrounding areas. We predict this is THE weekend to ride local as the weather is making a big downward slide into spring after Sunday. Have fun everyone and watch out for your fellow riders


Trail Master’s Report 3/3/2019

How deep will this season go?Who knows...ride it now!Two shifts of grooming took place last night between Eric and Don and we went over all the major trails you might ride today.This will be one of those warm days where the temps will creep up over 30 degrees and trails will likely bump up this afternoon.Expect a lot of fellow riders.Be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 3/1/2019
Happy March BMSC’ers! The cold continues and so does our grooming and A+ plus trail conditions. The more we have this cold and new snow every now and then, the better the trails will be. The groomer has been out since 1am and Corridor 8 has been done, 24e and West, and Primary 150. We’ll continue these efforts all weekend for your riding pleasure! Stop by and visit BMSC...we’ve got a store that sells fuel, bait, and snacks, a sled dealership, and two very fine restaurants. Oh, and we got know that right? Check the snow depth!


Trail Master’s Report 2/26/2019

Let’s just say it’s been a little “breezy”...

For your midweek riding pleasure, Corridor 8 (railroad tracks), 24e & 24w, Talcott, Primary 150, The Lake Trail, and Skyview have groomed last night and early this morning.Trails are VERY GOOD!

Temp is 12 degrees and wind NW at 15 to 25mph.Trails are packed and flat.Dress like you mean it.Ride with a smile and kiss a groomer operator if you see one.  Ok, maybe just wave, it is flu season after all.

Trail Master’s Report 2/24/2019
We’ve been out for the past several hours grooming at the coldest point in the day to garner the most favorable result for the trails. And you! We are truly pleased to see so many folks had a great time on the trails yesterday...they were beat!  We've done 24E and 24W, we'll do the Store Trail and Primary 150.  If we have time, we'll hit The Lake Trail as well.  Don't worry if we get a little rain later, we'll do just fine.  Ride safe and watch for ice lurking under snow on the hills and corners later in the day.
Trail Master's Report 2/22/2019
Trails have been touched up again and conditions are rated as "VERY GOOD".  We've been testing a demo groomer and hitting 24 quite often and also using our own machine for the rest of the system.  Trail Master says that conditions are as good as they're going to get...time to ride guys!  We'll be touching up the trails all weekend and all next week for NH school vacation. 
Also, the Newfound Lake ice fishing derby is this will be great for riding and fishing.  Come up and enjoy the area!

Trail Master’s Report 1/21/2019
Time to ride guys! The days are getting longer and we never know how deep the season will go. We have very good coverage and we’re burning up the hours and fuel to make the trails sweet just for you! We’re hitting just about the whole system every day and we’re ready to groom all weekend and next week for NH school vacation week!  The additional 3" of snow we go last night really freshened up the trails.  Conditions are VERY GOOD!

Trail Master’s Report 2/18/2019
If you rode early am yesterday you know the trails were in good shape. If you rode late afternoon, you know and FELT that there were a lot of sleds out. Most likely you felt that in your lower back! Corridor 8 (railroad tracks) got hammered!

We’ll continue to groom Corr 8, 24E and 24W and do what we can before sleds start riding this morning. And we’ll continue to touch up trails as needed all week. Please know that we’re having challenges with ice on hills in 3 areas; The Lake Trail, The Store Trail, and Drew’s Hill (heading towards Corridor) on 24E.

We’re out grooming Corridor 8 right now and we’ll try to make a few passes. A lot of extra work (we call it hours) needs to be out into this area due high traffic and damage caused by other vehicles. You may have seen wheeled ATVs on the tracks yesterday and it is legal for those wheeled vehicles to ride the tracks. We’re not looking for a debate here, you can contact the Trails Bureau if you want to express anything about it.

Trail Master's Report 2/17/2019
Trails are all touched up as of this morning...except for The Lake Trail...we could not get up the steep hill a few days ago and we are reluctant to head back down there until the snowpack changes. We are on the trails right now, 7:44am heading to get fuel at Newfound Grocery. You might see us heading back by way of P150 and 24E.
Don't forget The Homestead is open for lunch/dinner on the weekends and so is Bridgewater Inn. Newfound Grocery has premium fuel and snacks, etc...Outdoor Performance is the snowmobile dealer on the trails open until 12noon.
Watch for other riders out there, everyone is having fun just like you! sure to share the trails and wave to other folks skiing, mushing, snowshoeing, whatever...ride on!
Trail Master's Report 2/15/2019
We've been out yesterday, last night, and this morning.  The snow we have has been's making it difficult to groom.  The snow is simply not binding together well and our groomer cleats keep dropping right down to hiding ice.  Last night, we were not able to get up the steep section on the Lake Trail...we had to turn around and drive up the road to get back to another junction.  The Store Trail and the Lake Trail will be a little rough...make sure you have studs and good skills! 
Just know that we're making real efforts and putting in the time for the next two weeks so you can enjoy your MA and NH school vacation weeks.  We'll groom the hell out of that snow, but know that it will get loose real fast.  And you'll likely burn up the snow on the hills right down to ice. 
Be careful and watch your speed...easy in the corners...easy on the throttle...easy on the throttle up hills...try and help us keep the snow on the trails.  We'll groom it up at night as best we can. 
Trail Master's Report 2/14/2019
Early AM we groomed Corridor 8 (Railroad tracks) and 24 east and west.  We'll actually groom 24 west to where it meets Route 3A...this is Hardy Country's trail, but there is an icy section that is preventing their groomer from getting up the hill.  We won't groom the hill either, but we'll groom 24 west to that hill.  Just helping out our friends (ps...they'd do the same for us!)
Otherwise, trails look good today and folks were riding after we groomed yesterday.  The snow we got yesterday was very granular and did not set up well so the traffic that was out may have bumped it up quick.  Even though there is a brief warm up coming for tomorrow, we won't worry too much as we think it will help bind the snow together.
Planning to groom again tonight.  Weather forecast looks good for the next weeks...first of which is MA vacation week and the following is NH vacation week.  We'll plan to do our best to keep up with traffic so you guys can enjoy your winter breaks. 
Happy Valentines Day BMSC'ers!
Trail Master’s Report 2/13/2019
Received about 6” of new snow and we’re out packing it down now and trying to fix low spots and holes.  Any maybe even trying to cover some sketchy ice bubbles.  It will warm up today and we expect that to help settle the new snow (watch the video). We may get a little flurry later today if the weatherman gets it right.
Hoping for some good local riding this weekend with you guys!
Trail Master's Report 2/8/2019
Doesn't look good for weekend plans at the moment boys and girls.  As of noon today, we're holding at 39 degrees and the rain gauge is .44 in of rain.  We've driven around by truck to places where the trails cross the roads and we can see some standing water here and there.  We suspect that some hilly sections are VERY sketchy; Store Trail, Lake Trail, etc.  You saw from our video on Wednesday that trails were icy then and we had difficulty getting up the Store Trail, in fact we would get up in the groomer!
Weather is calling for a cold front to come through later this evening bringing freezing temps and sustained winds of at least 20mph for the next 24 hours.  Saturday will be freak'n windy and cold! 
So what does that mean for you?  Means our trails will likely be treacherous due to widespread icing.  Just because it gets cold this afternoon doesn't mean we can just head out and groom.  The surface of the ground needs to get a little colder and the water needs to drain from the snow.  We'll attempt to head out early tomorrow morning (before you get out of bed) and see if we can make any improvement to our lower trails.  If we can get some results, we'll head up the hills. 
We're not closed...but we don't think conditions will be worth risking getting injured or damaging your machines if it's as icy as we think.  You're smart enough to know what risks are out there...ride if you want, but we're not sure it's going to be all that enjoyable this weekend.  We'll report back ASAP tomorrow am. 
Trail Master’s Report 2/6/2019
Yes, the 50 and 60 degrees days back to back hurt the trails in our area. Trails are icy and we can hardly move the groomer around.  We are suspending grooming until Friday night. We suggest that you suspend riding for your own personal safety and to prevent damaging your machine.  If we can't move around, you likely cannot move around!  Watch the video on Facebook for more details!
Trail Master's Report 2/1/2019
Time to ride guys! We're back in really good shape and the entire system has been groomed...from the new Homestead Trail, Lake Trail, 24E, 24W, Primary 150, Talcott, to the Store Trail and Railroad tracks. Temps are cold, but it keeps the surface in good shape. Get out and ride and expect to see other riders taking advantage of the great conditions. Ride safe all!
Trail Master's Report 1/30/2019
7-9" of new snow in the lower elevations.  We expect more snow up high.  As of 5:30am today, we are heading out to groom Corridor 8 before the wind takes the snow off the tracks.  We'll attempt to get to most of the system over the next 48 hours and we'll be in great shape for the weekend! 
Trail Master's Report 1/25/2019
Ok guys, here is the deal.  We evaluated the conditions in partnership with our friends to the north/northwest, Hardy Country.  Our review was based on driving around to several areas to view trails and potential problem areas. 
Overall, our high-country trails are better than expected with decent snow still on the trails despite receiving over 2 inches of rain.  Down low, where our trails travel into Plymouth, the trails are literally under water...this is behind the Senior Center ( Corridor 8 ).  And where Corridor 8 meets 24, there is a decent sized meadow and it crosses a bridge there...that is underwater and not passable either.  Anywhere else that has a low flat meadow or field is suspect with a snow/slush/water mixture. 
We are not going out on the trails with any grooming equipment until Sunday night.  We've worked hard to create snow-bridges and if we run the groomer over these right now, it will collapse these soft bridges and just create open waterbars.  And yes, we don't think it's a great idea to ride the trails this weekend until things freeze up.  We can't tell you to stay off the trails, but we think it's best to stay off the trails until water recedes and everything freezes up solid.
You are welcome to post photos of scenes from our trail system here.  Sorry for the bummer-post, but this is the reality for most of the state right now.  More snow is expected for Tuesday.  We'll report back Sunday.
Trail Master's Report 1/21/2019
We've done a double shift today with Don earlier this morning and Eric this afternoon.  Eric is out right now (4:30pm).  Eric has done Talcott Trail 2x and he's headed down to the Lake Trail and Store Trail now.  Don did 24 and Corridor 8 (railroad tracks) earlier this morning.  According to the boys, the "trails are coming out great" and despite the cold, there are quite a few sleds out today.  You guys are hard-core sledders!!!
Just be careful guys, watch for blowing snow, drifts, and frostbite!
Trail Master's Report 1/13/2019
We went out and groomed 24 East, Talcott, and 150, and Poole Hill.  Trails saw A LOT OF PRESSURE which was awesome to see.  Keep speeds down as there are still random frozen waterbars (little dips, most are frozen, some are deep).  We need more snow to fill those in.  But overall, considering what we have, you can have a nice day out on the trails.  Enjoy and be safe.
Trail Master's Report 1/11/2019
As of today we've groomed the entire trail system, except Corridor 8 (tracks, not enough snow).  Some trails are as wide as the width of the drag or "one lane" and  some are "two lanes" meaning we've passed by twice.  We're leaving snow on the sides of the one-lane areas to pull snow into the trail tomorrow night to freshen things up for Sunday.  Know what we mean? 
Trail Master's Rating:  "Some areas are a 5...which includes some frozen water bars on 24.  Some lower areas of the Pemi Trail are thin in the woods.    A lot of areas are are solid 8.  Bring a camera with you; its' just plain beautiful out!" 
Thank you groomers for spending many hours cutting trees and getting in and out of the cab!  Thanks Don and Eric!
Please note that The Homestead is open for dinner only only Saturday.  You can get lunch on Saturday at Bridgewater Inn or Newfound Grocery.
Dress warm BMSC'ers, it's going to be a cold one! 
Trail Master's Report 1/9/2019
We have what we think is decent news: 24 hours and a different situation.  We have picked up another 4 to 5 inches of heavy wet snow and it's still coming down.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of trees hanging low; we need the wind to knock down the snow and cold to firm things up, which is coming. 
We are not going to groom today.  We will let this new snow settle on our recently groomed base.  Going to be really cold tonight, we will head out early am tomorrow and hit Pemi, Talcott, the new "Homestead Trail", and the Lake Trail first.  Then head for Village Trail (to Newfound Grocery), hopefully switch operators and hit the north side, 24, etc. 
No grooming today as snow is wet and we want (all the snow) on the ground to fill in holes, also need the wind to get snow off the trees (and land on the trails!). This will help greatly. 
Once the cold is here tonight and tomorrow and for the next several days, we'll have the best possible riding so far this season.  We thinks it's time come see us and ride local!
Trail Master's Report 1/4/2019
Local clubs to the north, east and south of us have announced they're open.  Here's the deal for us...we'll say we're not closed.  You can ride, the gates are open, and there are some good sections, ugly sections, and everything in between. 
Yes, you can ride, but use extreme caution.  The recent light snow is hiding hazards that are looking to ruin your day.  The worst of which is likely solid ice that has bubbled-up and froze...that means no brakes, steering, no traction, no safety!  Watch for water-bars and have REALLY LOW expectations. Like old school 70's snowmobiling expectations. 
We've NOT been out to survey the trails and we know there are a few trees down, but we're waiting to get the groomer out and address these trees while grooming.  If you see something small in the trail, please feel free to help out and clear it off the trial. 
We're not going to groom tonight or tomorrow...too warm and likely too thin.  You see, it's early season conditions are we just don't want to damage the equipment when we think good snow is right around the corner.  we may start to work on the trails Sunday night which marks the arrival of colder temps.  And...Tuesday may bring a reasonable storm so keep those fingers crossed! 


Trail Master’s Report 12/28/2018
So...not great news guys. We are just hoping that the rain for later today does not further erode the base. Almost every club south of Coos is pretty much in the same boat. You might get some riding at Bear Notch Road, and up at SDR and Pittsburg and a few other locations around the Presidential Mountains. We'll provide an update over the weekend if things change, but it appears that we'll be closed again this weekend.



Trail Master's Report 12/24/2018
Merry Christmas fellow BMSC'ers!

Sorry to report this guys, but we're still closed. We have some base, but nothing that would allow for safe or fun riding. We have some snow, and plenty of ice, dirt, and water. Yes, this truly stinks! We definitely need more snow to be open and maybe a few solid storms to get in shape.

We're very thankful to all of you members that have joined BMSC early to support our efforts to get the trails and equipment ready before the snow flies. Be patient, once the snow arrives, we'll work hard to make the trails great again!


Trail Master's Report 12/21/2018

Trails are considered closed at this time.  So far today we've received .5 inches of rain and 2" are possible once this weather event is over.  Please stay off the trails this weekend and until we report back.  There will likely be no riding this week south of Coos County and even that (Coos) may not be rideable as this rain even is covering the whole state.  Be patient, we're ready to get things in order for you guys.  We'll report back over the weekend.


Trail Master’s Report for Weekend Riding 12/15/18 & 12/16/2018
Just like George, we cannot tell a lie. We do have snow, a lot of it some places...other places...aaaaahhhh not so much. It's just that conditions are not consistent enough to have a good ride and not cause potential harm to your machine (or body). If you have an older beater-sled or work-sled and want to head out, trim some branches, move some limbs, have at it! But otherwise, we'd suggest waiting for the next storm system to pass...please don't drive 2 hrs to get here and ride...we don't want you to be disappointed. But there is snow on the ground and gates are open and we'll consider the trails as "open". (and before you ask, no the lake is not frozen and we'll never tell you if it's safe or not!)

Go north young man! Coos county seems to hold the jackpot on snow this weekend. We'll see you soon enough!

Trailmaster's Report 2/28/2022
We left the new snow Saturday without grooming too much since it was just mostly snow on top of an icy base.  Saturday night we groomed up the main trails, 24, 150.  We cannot get down the lake trail as the steep hills are too icy for us to get back up.  Not enough snow to groom the tracks.  Rails are showing south and all the way up to Lincoln.  We have riding, it's a bit limited.  Please be careful on hills and corners; there is ice hiding everywhere under the snow.
***check facebook for the most frequent updates, you don't have to have a facebook account to check reports.
Trailmaster's Report 2/23/2022
Rained like hell yesterday around much of the state and our trail systems took on its fair share. It will take a miracle snowfall of epic proportions to be able to open the trails. We have not surveyed anything yet, but what we suspect is a lot more ice, more dirt, and a lot of water flowing everywhere. If the last storm didn't open waterbars, they will be open now.We would need Friday's storm to be over a foot of heavy wet snow to stick to the icy base and make something stable we can groom. Otherwise, the fluffy snow predicted to fall will just blow around and we won't be able to do much with it. The snow needs to be able to bind to the base we have now. If anything is true, we will try like like hell to make riding possible for you if it's safe for our groomer operators and the equipment. Remember our systems is rolling terrain with some steep hills and we don't want to put our crew in danger.

We need a miracle, so let's see what Friday brings and we'll communicate back asap. If local sledding doesn't pan out, there is a fishing derby at Newfound Lake this weekend...there's always a plan-b.

Trailmaster’s Report 2/18/2022
We try to get these reports out early so you can make those all important weekend plans. Local survey by car doesn't look good. Temps were up to 56 degrees yesterday and now with the cold, conditions appear to be icy and treacherous.
We'll be out later today to survey a sampling of the trails and report back. For right now and until we report back, we ask that you stay off the trails. We know there are some sections down to the dirt. We suspect we have trees down with the high winds. We suspect trails that slope are very icy. Just take a break while we figure this out. We'll report back by tomorrow am if not earlier.
Trailmaster's Report 2/11/2022
This trail report will be for today and the upcoming weekend. We have touched up the trails all to the extent that the surface and remaining base can handle. One of our groomer operators commented..."this is likely the pinnacle of our trail conditions" given this year's snowfall.
As typical, higher elevations tails are good, thinner down low. High pressure trails like The Store Trail and The Lake Trail will get thinner as the weekend progresses. Not much we can do with those thinly covered trails. Corridor 8 (railbed) was groomed as well and came out good...but buyer beware...cover is thin, rails are showing in places and when the suns sees those steel rails, snow will melt fast. Watch for hiding and exposed rails as well as switches.
Given the relatively warm temps today and tonight, we are not going out to groom tonight. You've all seen the weather; warm temps coming in for tomorrow. We're not going to tell you to skip riding. To the contrary...ride it while we got it! It's out there waiting for you. Wonderful weather to take the family out and have a nice lunch on the trails with them. Don't sweat the miles, just enjoy being outside. Have fun and be safe!
Trailmaster’s Report 2/5/2022
Almost verbatim…. Corridor 8 (railbed) is groomed from Corridor 24 up to Plymouth. But, in many spots, it’s down to the rails. We won’t go south on the rails until more get snow, too dangerous for us and too thin. The 8 inches of dry snow on top the current base not binding together. Watch speed, it’s very slippery. Yeah, we said slippery for your snowmobile…true story. There were four places where sleds went off corners into the woods. Watch for broken down-sled on Corridor 8. We’ll do the ungroomed trails tomorrow morning…running out time for the Pemi Trail, Lake, and Homestead Trail today. Also, watch for low hanging branches due to ice. Have fun!


Trails were groomed Thursday and Friday leading into the weekend.  This morning at 10am snow is lightly falling in the area and we are expecting at least 6” of snow and that will help a lot.  This snow is expected to be a low moisture snow meaning it likely won’t pack well, so go out and ride to help press it down.  Once the snow is over, we’ll be out Saturday night and in the wee hours of Sunday morning grooming what we got.  Hoping we get enough to make some progress on the railroad tracks (Corridor 8).  Still very cold out there today.  Be safe and have fun!


Trails are open after our first decent snowfall and conditions range from fair to good right now.  The only trails we might not be able to get to before the weekend is the rails (Corridor 8).  We'll check it out and see if there is enough snow to groom and not have the cat scrap the snow off the tracks.  Snow is's not binding together well since it lacks moisture so riding pressure may cause the trails to deteriorate quickly.  We'll be grooming again before the weekend and likely Saturday night.


We are open!  But, there is limited riding.  Main trails are open and mostly passable.  Trail to the lake (The Lake Trail) is not groomed; not enough snow.  Trail to the Homestead is closed (roped off).  There is logging that has rutted up the trail and it's not passable.  There is just not enough snow to fill in the deep holes and tree debris and you will flip your machine over trying to make it through.  Otherwise up at higher elevations, the trails are decent and in other spots it really stinks.
We believe the neighboring clubs are attempting to open too, but check their posts to be sure.  Temps for the weekend will be absolutely frigid.  If you go out, please plan for Arctic conditions, seriously.


We are sorry to say, all trails are still closed at this time.  We simply have not had enough snow to cover the ground and cold to freeze running water.  If you see activity on the trials, it's likely our crew and volunteers getting trails ready.  Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we announce they are open.


All trails are closed until 12/15/2021 and only open on that date weather permitting and with approval from the Trails Bureau.  If you see activity on the trials, it's likely our crew and volunteers getting trails ready.  Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we announce they are open.

3/17/2021 Trails are Closed for the Season

As we said last Friday, our lower trails are impassable which means we can’t get to our higher elevation trails and neither can you. We can’t get to all of our gates to close them yet, but we do consider the BMSC system closed.
Yes we feel like crying too, but we ended up having a hell of a good year considering the weather. Lot of achievements were made this year and we’ll detail them in another message soon.
Until then, our partner clubs to the west/north are still going strong at upper elevations; Hardy and Baker. Go check them out. This weekend might be your last chance; looks like a longer term warmup is coming next week. Stay classy BMSC’ers!

3/11/2021  We have a special request!

Kindly stay off the trails today and tomorrow. Temps are expected to reach 60 today and 50+ tomorrow. We must protect landowner property. Low trails like 24 east, The Store Trail, and The Lake Trail are very thin and in certain areas, you are riding the dirt/grass/rocks and we cannot let that happen. Also, if we a snowballs chance in hell to ride after this warm up, it would be helpful to not have to attempt to smooth out frozen ruts made by riders.
This might be the end, but then again, fairy tales can come true, it can happen you. You might be riding again, if the snow comes we'll fix it up then.

 3/10/2021 Update

Temps are going to make a run for it starting today into Friday. This will likely end the riding on The Lake Trail. There was about 100ft or more of exposed dirt on that trail already. Otherwise we’d recommend staying off the trails Thursday mid day through Friday when temps are the warmest. Riding will only rut up the trails and if there is any chance of getting things back in shape over the weekend with colder temps, it will make for better chances of recovery (without having to fix frozen ruts). We did groom some of the trails Monday night and we’re going into the warm up with relatively flat trails and thin snow down low. We’ll report back later this week.

Trail Master’s Report 3/7/2021

Sunday report. Groomed 24 to Pike Hill, Poole Hill, and Russ is doing Coach Rd across to Talcott trail. Corners are icy so watch speed. Check prior reports...not much has changed...
Maybe the last weekend? Gonna be hot next week. Lower trails are thin and likely won’t survive so our groomer won’t be able to get to the higher trails. Might be the last time we run the groomer this season...we’ll need snow and cold snap after this upcoming week...for BMSC, the end is near...just saying...

Trail Master’s Report 3/6/2021

Groomer is heading back to the shed right now. Touched up 24, around the townhouse. Heard our trail connecting to 24 west to Hardy (including Favor Rd) was done. The hill that crosses over the turnpike could not be done due to icy conditions so that was not done. Use caution over there if you head that way...and on hills in our area is all around. Otherwise, same info as yesterday...good up high, thin down low, icy in some areas. Lot of sleds out already have fun out there!

Trail Master’s Report 3/5/2021

Groom has been out early this morning shaping things up.  Word to the wise...ride now! Trails in higher country are in very good shape considering this year's snowpack. Be advised, The Lake Trail is in rough condition...snow cover is thin, so thin that we could only get half-way down the trail today and had to turn back. You can get through it, but it ain't pretty. Likewise, the Store Trail to Newfound Grocery/Bridgewater Inn and Outdoor Performance, is thin but in better shape; just watch for ice. That trail has been getting tremendous pressure all season long.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that there is warm up forecasted for mid-late week this upcoming week. Our neighboring clubs have nice conditions, so get out and ride local, hit some restaurants, and enjoy some local riding.  Be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/28/2021
With yesterday’s few inches of snow ending with some rain and warm temps, we didn’t groom last night. Forecasted high temp today is 43 might be a good day to do some ice fishing with the derby going on.

With the weather being a little funny, we will try to bring trails back to life on Monday night and Tuesday night if temps allow. So long as it’s viable will try to keep trails it in shape. It will be day to day and we’ll see how goes. Spring is getting here...have fun outside!

Trail Master’s Report 2/21/2021

Trails are getting used, we can tell!  Groomed two shifts overnight; one last night and another early this morning. Gonna be a another nice day today, ride if you can. Forecast for the next 10 days has 3+ days above 32 degrees and 1 day above 40. Watch your speeds and be courteous to your fellow snowmobilers.

Trail Master’s Report 2/20/2021

The light snow that fell yesterday amounts to approximately 3 inches which is mixing with the old snow. 22 degrees no wind yet, chilly, conditions are an 8 to 9. Cor 8 is getting more coverage which will allow grooming shortly. Please be patient; we’ll go survey the southern end of Corridor 8 and see if we can groom the tracks safely. The northern end of Corr 8 towards Plymouth is too thin to groom. We just need a good 8” plus storm to groom the whole run.
Ride early as conditions will definitely deteriorate as the day goes on. Eric will be out early evening to smooth out today’s bumps. I will be out over night and Russ will be out tomorrow evening. We know that things get banged up we will do our best to fix them. From the entire team at BMSC, please be safe.

Trail Master’s Report 2/19/2021

From earlier this morning...conditions continue to improve as we seem to be gathering little bits of snow storms. Each one touches up the trails to freshen things up. Head the advice in the video...long range forecast shows temps increasing next week. Perfect day and weekend to ride.

Trail Master's Report 2/17/2021

In the past 24 hours we received approximately 2 inches of wet snow, sleet, ice, then rain. We let everything settle and got out to groom about 2:30 am and we're continuing to work it this morning. We'll be out until about 10am and out again for the evening around 4 pm.
This year has brought more riding pressure to our area than we've seen in past years. We think it's because we have such great amenities right on the trails...restaurants, fuel, snowmobile repairs, etc. Trails are seeing tremendous pressure and we still have relatively thin conditions. Remember it takes us about 20 hours to get around the system. We know it is bumpy in places of high traffic and we will be on it. The new snow is actually just what we need to help fill in the humps and hollows, but understand that high pressure areas like The Store Trail are thin, but reasonably passable.
It's pretty darn cold today with low temps and wind. The cold temps and new snow with some moisture should help add to/and firm the existing base. Have fun and be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/13/2021

Trails are looking good overall and we’ll continue to groom the rest of the weekend. We have a few shakey areas...the Store Trail is thin from so much use and the lower Pemi trail just hasn’t got enough snow down low. Still no grooming on the rails as there is not enough snow on the tracks. Maybe some new snow tomorrow and maybe a decent storm Tuesday. Gonna be a cold one! Ride safe all!

Trail Master's Report 2/9/2021

By today we'll have touched up all the trails in the system with the exception of the railbed (Corridor 8). We need some significant snow to fill in the tracks before we can groom the tracks otherwise we're just riding the metal rails with our cleated groomer track. Trail Master says trails are overall an "8". Mid-week riding at its best!
We prefer to not mention anything about the ice on the lake or river...we can NEVER tell you whether it's safe or not. We receive numerous inquires about the ice thickness. We don't measure it, test it, or go on it. Our trails don't go over the ice and we don't groom the ice...never have, never will. This year the locals know the entire lake only recently skimmed over with ice and now a thin layer of snow is hiding thin ice. WMUR reported several sleds through the ice on the north end of the lake this past weekend. We don't recommend you ride the lake ever, but if you do, you are obviously doing so at your own risk. Contact NH Fish & Game and if you don't know, or just be safe and stay off the ice.

Trail Master’s Report 2/5/2021

Out early AM freshening up Corr 24, Primary 150, and The Store Trail. Overall we’ll give it a 6 to a 7. We are not ashamed of our trails given the snow we’ve received. As the days progress through this season we can say “every new day brings the best conditions of the season”.
Hope we get a little tune-up of a few extra inches of snow today. Grooming will continue over the weekend. Time to ride guys!

Trail Master's Report 2/4/2021

Earlier this week we received 4" down low and 6" or so up in the hills.  We've been our grooming since the light storm and this new snow has help improve the trails for sure.
We did groom the Lake Trail and the Pemi Trail yesterday. It was the first time this year and both trails are thin in places due to less snow at lower elevations. It's passable, but thin. Conditions up high are pretty darn good. We will back out tonight to spruce things up for your weekend enjoyment. Be safe!

Trail Master's Report 1/29/2021

No change since our last report except that it's pretty darn cold!  Conditions up high are good, down low = thin. Despite the cold, we are seeing some water bubble up and create frozen obstacles on the trails, be careful of those please.
We could really use any snow that might be coming next week...if that happens, we'll be right on it making the trails great again. Be well, be safe, and warm!

Trail Master's Report 1/27/2021 

We received 1" (inch) of new snow which we are going to leave on the trails for now.  We did touch up the trails on Monday and it's pretty solid right now.  We'll let the wind blow some of this light snow onto the trails.  We're planning to attempt to groom the Pemi Trail, Homestead Trail, and The Lake Trail perhaps tomorrow.  No guarantees, but we'll do the best we can.  Overall conditions we'll rate as a 5-6 on a 10 scale.  Keep your eyes open for waterbars.  Report forthcoming before the weekend.  Ride safe!

Trail Master's Report 1/22/2021 (and for the weekend too)

We'll be grooming the trails tonight and early Saturday morning. Concentration will be in the high country trails: Cor 24 into Hardy Country, Primary 150, Talcott Trail, top of the mountain by the Stone House, our new Bypass Trail.
We think you get it...this will be early season riding which means water bars, lack of snow on lower elevations, ice under thin snow cover. On Corridor 8 the tracks are fully exposed, so don't plan to ride those unless you're a train. The store trail has been groomed, however there is a major water bar about half way up; not enough snow to fill in yet. I think you get the dilio, right? We will try and put a shelf where they plowed Poole Hill Road.
Note: Both the Pemi River and Newfound Lake are not frozen. We can never tell you if they're safe or not, but due to the extraordinary year we're having, very little is frozen to be able ice fish let alone snowmobile on it.
If you were to bring a small brush saw or loppers and trim a little hanging brush it would greatly appreciated. It may be a good day to cook a couple hot dogs on the trail and have low expectations about conditions and you'll likely have a nice time riding around. Another update forthcoming Sunday.

Trail Master’s Report 1/19/2021

Our trails are open again! Expect marginal conditions on average. Good up high, thin down low. No snow to speak of on the tracks. Low expectations might make for some local fun. Please ride conservatively and watch for ice under thin snow in the low lying areas.

Trail Master's Report for 1/8/20221 and the Weekend

We're still closed and will remain closed until we get more snow. Don't be deceived by the snow in this photo...snowmobile skis cut right through it and you're down on the dirt and rocks. And you can imagine that the snow is thinner in many spots and we have open waterbars throughout the system.
Was going to wait until a later date to applaud our local riders, but we'll say it now. Thank you for staying off the trails and respecting our local landowners. There was not one set of tracks on the trails.
Please maintain your composure for just a little longer, we'll be riding soon.
If you see tracks at the road crossings it's us in this tracked machine or an old snowmobile out removing additional limbs and trees so we keep the trails clear for when new snow arrives. We are not taking the groomer out; it would simply bounce off the hard ground and rocks under the snow...we're trying to preserve our equipment too.
If you need something to do, consider coming up to the area, getting some take out food, maybe go ice fishing where it's safe, go for a hike and enjoy other outdoor adventures the region has to offer. We look forward to seeing you on the trails soon.
Trail Master's Report 1/6/2021
We are definitely in a holding pattern as far as snow goes. The temperature continues to be cold so we are maintaining snow cover at about 3 to 4 inches. One of our members is also a musher and had her dogs out for exercise the other day on our trail system. She reported that they went through the snow cover to the ground in many places. This is the reason we don't have the groomer out on the trails right now.
The point we're making is that the snow cover is thin and therefore we ask you to stay off until further accumulations make it safe for us to run the groomer and for you to run your sleds. Russ and Don will be out the next couple days removing some downed trees.
Wish we had more positive news, but this is what we have to report; it's a real bummer for all of us. Stay safe, thank you for supporting BMSC, and thank you for your patience.


Trail Master’s Report 1/2/2021

Every little bit helps, however we need another 8 inches on top of this new “base”. We did get (so far) 2 inches of frozen sleet pellets which don’t bond well when you run a drag over it. What ever there is over the whole system, nothing we received today will put us back in opening condition. The gates are not closed, but we and the state consider the trails closed.

But! This is a helpful start to making a base. A little more moisture and freezing temps may turn this into a nice base. More snow on the way Sunday night.

Trail Masters' Report 12/28/2020

We think you already know what's going around the rest of the state we got our fair share of rain on Christmas day. Now we have sections of snow, dirt, frozen mud, waterbars, ice, hilly ice, crunchy ice, packed ice, lose granular dirt, frozen leaves, and regular dirt. We consider the trails closed at this time, but we're not going out to close gates...too sketchy out there for us to move around the trails.
Please respect landowner property and stay off the trails until we get some snow to report about. Know this as well too please...if we get 5" of snow, it will not put us back in business...we need some decent continuous cold and few storms to get ourselves going again.
We're watching the weather for later this week and perhaps this forecasted ice/rain event will turn into a snowstorm...keep your fingers crossed! We'll report back before the year is over...HA!

Trail Master’s Report 12/25/2020
Until we can survey the trails, we’ll call it closed for now. We saw a high temp today of 60 and rain all day. We presume there are open waterbars and sparsely covered trails all over the system. We’ll report back tomorrow with more details and photos.

Please stay off the trails so we can preserve what little base we have left and so you can preserve yourself and your machine.

Trail Master's Report 12/22/2020

It's 41 degrees at 12:35pm and conditions have taken a decent downward turn...we would rate the trails a 4-5 (out of 10) and with the warmth we'll start to see waterbars open up. Watch out for the dirt/mud soon too and with rain expected later this week, things are not looking great. Don't forget this snow landed on the ground which was not completely frozen yet.
That being said, as it warms up we think it would be helpful to stay off the trails beginning midweek...especially Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Let's see how things look after the rain stops and see what temps do. Our interest right now is your safety and preserving the work we put into the trails so far.
Don't worry too much, we can handle a little rain and it appears the originally forecasted 2" of rain might have been lessened. Let's hope it tapers off even more. We'll report back before the weekend.

Trail Master's Report 12/18/2020

We did go out last night to open gates...we are open. But read on...
We surveyed a fair amount of the trails last night and overall, it went pretty well. However, we are not going to have this system fully groomed this weekend. We have so much snow and everything is taking so much more time. The machine is going through 24" to 30" of snow just fine, but with no base it’s slow. Like we said yesterday, the dry light snow makes you drop right through it to the bottom...and we have little to no base. It does need to settle and it would not hurt for it to warm up like this weekend and compact with moisture. Then, we'll have something to work with. We will likely be out during the day for the next few days...
We don’t want to mislead people thinking everything will be perfect. It will not be perfect, far from it, but we are going to do the best we can. Ride with extreme caution and expect to bump into things (rocks, dirt, branches) under the snow if you're breaking trail anywhere. Despite a healthy snowfall, expect early season conditions...aka, old school. Ride the old sled, not the new one!
The season is here BMSC'ers! Join the club, make a donation to the groomer fund (our club dues are the lowest around), register the sleds, ride and have fun.


Trail Master’s Report 12/9/2020
At this time, all gates and trails are considered closed.  Trails do not open until 12/15/2020 and even then we may not be "open" if we don't have have sufficient snow cover.  At this time it doesn't appear likely that we will be open for 12/15.  Be patient, we need some cold weather to freeze up the ground and running water first.  Then snow...lots of it!  In the mean-time, join club BMSC and register those machines.  We'll get down to brass tacks asap!


Trail Master’s Report 3/26/2020
All trails in the State of New Hampshire are closed for the season.  See you next year!

Trail Master’s Report 3/9/2020
Trails are closed.  Currently 55 degrees and we're on our way up.  Record for today is 73, don't think we'll get there, but it will be 60-something shortly.  And likely 60 tomorrow too.  We're pretty close to saying it's over for the season, barring some string of cold days followed by a blizzard.  So yeah, it would have to get crazy around here to open back up.  Who knows, stranger stuff has happened!


Trail Master’s Report 3/4/2020
Trails remain closed at this time. We lost a bit more snow yesterday, got up to 60 degrees with temps as warm as 40 overnight. Our trails in the low country are toast...up high we do still have a base, so if we do have a decent storm we could be riding again. We would close gates, but most of the gates are frozen in snowbanks or ice. Please respect the landowner property by staying off the trails.

We have a club meeting tomorrow night, 7pm at the Homestead. All are welcome to attend.

Trail Master’s Report 2/28/2020

Trials are considered closed for right now.  Since Sunday the average temp this week was 43 degrees with a few days above 50.  We received rain instead of snow in the last "storm".  There were some high winds yesterday and we don't know if we have trees down.  Lower trails were already thin and now it's snow!

To preserve the landowners' property, we must close the trails.  Most of the gates are frozen in ice or snow so we cannot close them, otherwise we would.  The season is not over by any means...but we need a good snowstorm or two to open.  Some of our neighboring clubs are in the same boat.  Sorry for the news guys.


Trail Master’s Report 2/26/2020
34 degrees this morning.  Ugh.  We cannot groom without more new snow.  Don't know how to phrase this any other way.  "Risk reward" takes hold in this situation...damage to equipment and damage to landowners property?  Groomer is parked for today.  We’ll report back after we get some new snow.

Trail Master’s Report 2/24/2020
It was 53 degrees today, but not much traffic We will not get out tonight; just too warm. Weather forecast says 8” to 10”Wednesday night and Thursday. More importantly, it will be colder. A lot of rails showing, however we still have snow be patient things are not all lost. Grooming suspended until it cools off.

Trail Master's Report 2/21/2020

Currently -2 and trails are setting up real nice and hard. We groomed Corridor 8 earlier this morning and that end of 24 as well. Heading out towards 150 and will be down the Lake Trail around 9ish.

Trails are going to be real nice today and tomorrow...Sunday brings a warm up and warmer still on Monday. Ride it now BMSC'ers! You never what you're gonna get (next week)...ride safe!

Trail Master’s Report 2/19/2020
We received 6"-7" of new snow, dry fluffy snow. We've been out since 3am tuning up the trails. It's not going to stick together well so be prepared for loose conditions. It will take us the better part of today and tomorrow to hit the trails. Today we've done Corridor 8 (tracks), 24, 150, Talcott and the Store Trail. The trails are coming out nice. Tomorrow we'll groom the main trails and The Lake Trail. The Lake Trail is somewhat thin so we want this snow to settle and hopefully some folks ride it and pack it down.


Trail Master’s Report 2/17/2020
We did not groom last night as we've been working hard for the past three days.  And, we surveyed the trails by sled yesterday afternoon and overall we're still in in good's our report...Corridor 8 (railbed) is in good condition with rails showing in a few spots.  There is one small bridge that could not be filled in due to lack of snow to push around...slow down and it's a non-issue.  24 is in good shape.  Talcott is in very good shape. Store Trail is getting high pressure and thin in spots, but passable.  The Lake Trail is getting thin and the steep hill is getting a bit snirty.  We are hoping to pick up some snow tomorrow and hopefully we don't get rain.  If we get the snow, we'll groom up everything asap.  You'll see a reoccurring theme in the local area...trails up high are good...trails down at lower elevations are getting thin.

Trail Master’s Report 2/16/2020
Trails groomed last night; Corridor 8 (tracks, thin in spots) watch out for switches in Plymouth, they're exposed in town.  Also groomed is 24, 150, the Store Trail and Talcott.  Snow is a bit loose today, but trails are in great shape.  Ride conservative; lot of sleds out and several accidents were reported in the area yesterday...stay on your side and stay alive!  Have fun all!


Trail Master’s Report 2/15/2020
Trails tuned up last night; The Lake Trail, Primary 150, and Corridor 24. With the cold last night and this morning, trails should have set up very well. The northern section of the rails (from 24 to Plymouth) we groomed yesterday...they are a little thin, but decently passable. Rails from 24 south were not groomed as the cover over the trestle was too thin for the groomer to pass over.

Dress warm this morning and watch for traffic as there are several sled events going on this weekend. Trails are the best they’ve been all season. Get out and ride!

Trail Master's Report 2/10/2020
Quick note...About 2" of new soft snow last night, low water content, will leave until tonight cause if we try to smooth it out, it'll just blow away. Should be nice riding if you can get out today. Doing maintenance projects on the groomer and various saws/equipment today otherwise. Groomer will go out when temperature drops tonight. Temps are going above freezing today which will help put some water in the snow. Snow should mix nice and lay down for another great day for Tuesday. Have fun today!


Trailmaster’s Report 2/9/2020

Out grooming right now.  Where we have snow the trails are grooming up quite nice.  Trouble spots still include water-bars.  Lack of consistent cold and thin snow don’t leave us much to work with, but we’re trying.  Working down to Homestead and Pemi Trails this morning.  All main trails will be groomed today.  Very cold this morning, -6!  Ride with caution and keep looking for water-bars.

Note: sorry, posted conditions here yesterday but it did not save.

Update 2/4/2020

There’s a storm predicted for later this week and we really need it. Grooming ops are still on hold until we get new snow. As we’ve said in prior posts, we simply don’t have enough consistent snow to run the equipment. Once we do have snow, we have operators ready to work non-stop to get us back in shape. Keep in mind we need a good amount of snow to make that happen.


Trail Master's Report 1/31/2020

Trail report for the entire weekend...keep going north if you want more consistent conditions. We just can’t offer good continuous riding in our trial system right now. We have some sections that are downright lovely and others that are downright treacherous.  Frankly we don't think conditions are safe for riding...too much ice, still have open water-bars, to variable...sorry to say but it's true.

Maybe do some ice fishing on the lake and pick up your bait and license at Newfound Grocery? You can still enjoy the great outdoors in the Newfound region!


Trails Report 1/28/2020

Not much to say right now BMSC peeps except this. If you have a beater sled and you don’t mind dunking it through water-bars, some mud, snirt, ice, and snow, then go for it. Otherwise we’d suggest you stay home until we get some new snow...grooming ops are on HOLD until snow arrives. Conditions are poor at best. There might be stretches of goodness in spots, but they’re interrupted by moments of hell.

Trail Master’s Report 1/26/2020

We didn’t get hurt as much as we thought by the rain in the past 24 hours, but it is warm. And it’s going to warm again today. Grooming operations are on hold until we get more snow. We simply don’t have enough snow to work with and we can’t afford to damage our equipment.  If you decide to ride, use extreme caution and be ready for full-on spring conditions.

Trail Master’s Report 1/24/2020

We have more of the same to report...little bit thin, we’re grooming what we have to work with, we’ve got water-bars...and we need snow. Suspect weather is coming in Saturday night and it could be @#$*$%&# rain into Sunday. The forecast could change, we’ll have to wait and see. We will report back Saturday. Otherwise, get it in today and tomorrow morning!


Trail Master's Report 1/20/2020 - From the Cab of the 180
We groomed yesterday from 3pm to 9pm after you guys packed the trails down. The warmer temps and riders helped gel the snow together and then a quick drop to freezing temps allowed the trails to firm right up when we ran the groomer over things later in the day. There were a LOT of sleds out yesterday...very cool to see that. Just understand with so much riding pressure and a thin base, please adjust your expectations.

8:44am. We're out right now and just groomed the Lake Trail for the first time this year and it came out ok. Thin but ok.

Groomed Yesterday: 24, 150, Skyview, Poole Hill
Groomed Today: The Lake Trail, Store Trail, Homestead Trail
Tomorrow: Pemi Trail, Talcot, 24, part of 150

We do need snow and we do still have a few water-bars, but it's getting better. We'll call trail conditions a 5 or 6 on average..."thin but rideable". Enjoy!

Trail Master’s Report 1/19/2020
4:30am. Snow has stopped here, about 5 inches of new accumulation, chilly 15 degrees, no wind. So please ride it and have fun. We’d prefer to have your sleds just pack it down and help it adhere to the existing base. The snow texture is granular with light moisture and if we let it sit with the slightly warmer temps that we’ll have in the afternoon, it should help it set up nice when we groom later today. (Little bit of melt = stick) We need to let it sit prior to grooming. Grooming will commence at 3:30pm. There was no wind last night so there should be no drifting. Go have fun in the fresh snow. BUT! The new snow may be hiding your speed and be ready. We’ll report back after we groom again.
Trail Master's Report 1/17/2020
We got 5-10" of snow depending on elevation and we've been out grooming since early am.  Super cold out!  Good in places but we still have running water and water-bars. Low areas of our trails have less snow than up high which might sound obvious, but keep that in mind. Hoping that this cold snap will freeze the water and new snow coming Saturday night can fill in the water-bars.
There are sections of the trial that are "9" (out of 10) and sections that are "3". The Store Trail to Newfound Grocery stinks...water-bars...they just need to freeze. We have not been down to The Lake Trail yet...we suspect there is decent water flowing in the lowest parts. We have not done the tracks (Corridor 8) yet as we need more snow. This recent snow is just helping to bolster our base. IF we get the snow for Saturday night into Sunday, we'll be grooming that new snow Sunday night. Try to patient for really nice conditions...if you have some older machines and don't mind running them through water-bars here and there, have at it. I don't think you should be driving from afar to come ride the trails quite yet...Monday might be our best shot...
Newfound Grocery, might be able to fit a truck or two at the Big Catch at the south end of Newfound.  Power Plant in Bridgewater (right on the tracks, Corridor 11), intersection of Dick Brown Rd and Poole Hill Rd.
Quickie Update 1/16/2020

32 degree and snowing...wet snow, the kind we need and it's snowing moderately. This won't be "the" storm we need to get back in shape, but it's just one of a few that should help us out. Frigid conditions are coming for tomorrow and Saturday. These cold temps and snow expected for Saturday night should help lock up water-bars and provide a "new" base for which we can begin to get the trails in shape. We'll update you with a report tomorrow.


Report for 1/11/2020 to 1/12/202

With this weekend’s forecasted 50+ degree temps and rain, it would be a HUGE help if everyone would stay off the trails while they are soft and slushy. If people ride while the trails are soft, everything will get all rutted up and then when things re-freeze they will be a mess. We understand that registrations aren’t cheap and riding time is limited, but by staying off the trails while they are soft it should help us preserve our base, and then when things turn cold again and we get a little more snow, our amazing groomer operators will be able to work their magic and get things back into good shape for us all to enjoy.

The above was copied from the ANDOVER SC’s facebook well-said it deserved to be repeated here.  We’ll report back ASAP after Sunday.

Trail Master's Report 1/9/2020
We're our grooming right now.  Super cold this morning with drifting snow.  We had some 40 water-bars throughout our trail system and we've got that down my 75%. 
Today is great day to ride if you can. Warm-up predicted for tomorrow and rain is likey Saturday with warm temps. Weekend might be a bust, so ride today and tomorrow if you can. Trails are in good shape. Damn you weekend forecast @&$%#!
Trail Master's Report 1/4/2020
8am and it's 33 degrees with light rain. We did groom our main trails yesterday and attempted to fix a few spots, but we're not doing much good right now. Too warm, too humid, too much water running and not enough cold. If we push snow into water-bars, it just melts. Our region around Newfound is decently wet right now because we have not had consistent freezing temps.
Riding is rated 3-4 on a 10 scale (thumbs down). We are expecting some some snow this afternoon, maybe a few inches, but that will be after some light rain this morning. We don't recommend traveling here to ride today. You will see and ride through water-bars...there is no way around that.
We have not groomed the Pemi Trail nor have we groomed the Lake Trail. Lake Trail has some wet areas and we suspect there is water running and if we run the groomer through that, we'll make a big mess. This upcoming week will bring some freezing temps and we hope that firms ups the base and water-bars.
Park at Newfound Grocery or Bridgewater Power Plant to hit our trails.


Trail Master’s Report 12/31/2019

This is what we wanted! Well it’s pretty close; wet snow that could compress and freeze would be the best for early base snow...we got a snow mixture of ice pellets, snow, wet snow, which does make it a little tricky for the snow to gel together and “stick” but we’ll take what we have!  We were out yesterday and we’ll finish up today so you can ride today!


Consider this early season conditions...there may be low spots, water bars, branches down. Bring a small saw just in case limbs come down and feel free to help us out and move debris off the trail.


Check online to make sure our friends to the north (Hardy) and friends to the east (Squam) are grooming too so you can move around...we can’t speak for those fine folks. Park at Newfound Grocery, Bridgewater Power Plant, and maybe even The Big Catch.  Don’t even think about asking us if the lake is safe!


Trail Master's Report 12/26/2019
Trails are still closed, gates are closed.  We don't have enough snow to groom just yet.  Hang in there, we'll report back as soon as we have good news.

Trail Master's Report 12/21/2019
Trails are still closed, gates are closed.  We don't have enough snow to groom just yet.  Hang in there, we'll report back as soon as we have good news.

Trail Master's Report 12/02/2019
We've got snow but no trails to ride on yet.  The trails are closed until we announce that the trails are open.  Get your BMSC membership renewed and then check back here for conditions on 12/15/2019. 🙂


Trail Master's Report 3/28/2019
It's sad and bittersweet, but we are officially closed. We've held onto snow up top, but down low there are many locations where the ground is showing and we've got to preserve and protect the landowners' property. We'll see 60 degrees this coming Saturday. Time to pull the plug, officially. Don't forget, there is still riding to be had in Coos County though.


Trail Master’s Report 3/24/2019

We did not groom last night and we suspect that our grooming for the season is over.Our groomer is parked in the low-country and snow is getting very thin and our biggest hurdle is that Bridgewater Hill Rd is a mud bog.That’s the road (Corridor 24) you have to ride on the shoulder and then it turns to dirt/mud.Tracks have rails showing in a lot of spots.Water is starting to run.There is some decent riding up high on the mountain, but getting there is an issue.

It’s been a great season overall guys and there is still riding to be had TODAY locally...Hardy Country groomed last night and they have good snow on their western trails.I’ve read Central is in good shape too.You can likely piece together one good local ride today.Go out and have some fun and enjoy some classic local riding in the Newfound area.

This is not goodbye, but we’re standing on the steps talking about...most likely we’ll say we’re closed next weekend...

Trail Master's Report 3/22/2019
40 degrees and raining lightly in Plymouth on River Road.  Early today up on the mountain they got 2 inches of new snow, but it's warmed up quite a bit.  Given the rain and current conditions, we do not plan to groom; any new snow we got went away with the rain.  Conditions are getting thin and variable all around.  Rails are showing on Corridor 8.    Bridgewater Hill Rd is mud and traveling on the side of the road is not very pleasurable.  If you're local and want to ride on the mountain, go ride...but we don't think it's worth traveling any distance to come up and ride.  Consider heading more north for consistent conditions. 
If things change or there is something to groom, we'll post an update.  Otherwise, this will be the update for Friday and Saturday.


Trail Master’s Report 3/17/2019

We’re running out of steam, so short and sweet!  Trails are 8 to 8.5.  Can’t groom the tracks, rails are showing.  But, Definitely worth riding.  You guys stayed off the trails during the warm up, that helped, A LOT.  Hardy Country groomed, go out and have a nice ride around the lake, get some lunch, gas, a new snowmobile and relax.  Did you know you can do that all on our trail system?  #true

We should be in good enough shape tkmride next weekend too!  We’ll report back.


Trail Master’s Report 3/16/2019

So it’s warm right now and will be for the whole day.We have not groomed since earlier this one point earlier this week the trails were good and flat.We did ask that you stay off the trails during the past two days of hot weather, but we know that everyone doesn’t has Facebook or the some missed our posts and some are just gonna ride cause they paid to ride.In either case, expect full on Spring conditions and watch for water bars and fallen snow bridges.  As temps fall tonight we’ll groom as conditions allow.


Trail Master's Report 3/14/2019

It didn't get as cold as we expected last night and we did not groom. Please stay off the trails today and tomorrow to help preserve the base and recently groomed surface. It's going to be very warm today and tomorrow. Colder weather coming for the weekend nights and we'll groom then. Thank you for your cooperation!

Trail Master’s Report 3/11/2019
This morning temps were just low enough for us to groom the tracks (Corridor 8 ). They were pretty rough from Saturday and we couldn’t get to them yesterday. Also groomed 24e and 24w then heading back home.

This week brings a new weather pattern which is not especially favorable for sledding. We’ll report back later this week to see if weekend riding is in the plans. Try and stay awake today guys and enjoy the extra daylight this afternoon!


Trail Master’s Report 3/10/2019

You guys sure did enjoy yourselves yesterday and it did get warm too.That combo has allowed us the pleasure of grooming some trails twice this morning!  So things have taken us a little longer today.

Spring riding continues and we’re still grooming right now as of this post.We’re expecting snow in about an hour and a warm up again this afternoon.It’ll be another great day on the trails with the fresh snow falling.

Groomed this am: Corridor 8, 24, 150, The Lake Trail, Store Trail.That’ll be what we can get to today.


Trail Master’s Report 3/9/2019
Corridor 8, 24, 150, Lake Trail touched up and literally being groomed right now. Trails will be great early and likely a little bumpy later as it warms during the day. Ride early and often!

Had a little trouble with one of our own machines while riding yesterday and guess what? Tow straps come in very handy! And I towed it right down to Outdoor Performance the local Ski-Doo dealer right on the trail system. They have new and used sleds, oil, accessories and parts...and yes, repairs! That worked out great!

Enjoy what will surely be a beautiful day! (And stop calling me Shirley!)


Trail Master’s Report 3/8/2019
We had a very productive club meeting last night! Many thanks to the guests that attended and expressed their enthusiasm and support for local riding.

We attempt to time the release of these reports so you have adequate information to make your weekend plans. 6am Video passing through your news feed and we hope you see it so you can make some decisions about what to do and where to go.

Check out today’s video on Facebook...and know this...riding is stellar in our area and surrounding areas. We predict this is THE weekend to ride local as the weather is making a big downward slide into spring after Sunday. Have fun everyone and watch out for your fellow riders


Trail Master’s Report 3/3/2019

How deep will this season go?Who knows...ride it now!Two shifts of grooming took place last night between Eric and Don and we went over all the major trails you might ride today.This will be one of those warm days where the temps will creep up over 30 degrees and trails will likely bump up this afternoon.Expect a lot of fellow riders.Be safe!

Trail Master’s Report 3/1/2019
Happy March BMSC’ers! The cold continues and so does our grooming and A+ plus trail conditions. The more we have this cold and new snow every now and then, the better the trails will be. The groomer has been out since 1am and Corridor 8 has been done, 24e and West, and Primary 150. We’ll continue these efforts all weekend for your riding pleasure! Stop by and visit BMSC...we’ve got a store that sells fuel, bait, and snacks, a sled dealership, and two very fine restaurants. Oh, and we got know that right? Check the snow depth!


Trail Master’s Report 2/26/2019

Let’s just say it’s been a little “breezy”...

For your midweek riding pleasure, Corridor 8 (railroad tracks), 24e & 24w, Talcott, Primary 150, The Lake Trail, and Skyview have groomed last night and early this morning.Trails are VERY GOOD!

Temp is 12 degrees and wind NW at 15 to 25mph.Trails are packed and flat.Dress like you mean it.Ride with a smile and kiss a groomer operator if you see one.  Ok, maybe just wave, it is flu season after all.

Trail Master’s Report 2/24/2019
We’ve been out for the past several hours grooming at the coldest point in the day to garner the most favorable result for the trails. And you! We are truly pleased to see so many folks had a great time on the trails yesterday...they were beat!  We've done 24E and 24W, we'll do the Store Trail and Primary 150.  If we have time, we'll hit The Lake Trail as well.  Don't worry if we get a little rain later, we'll do just fine.  Ride safe and watch for ice lurking under snow on the hills and corners later in the day.
Trail Master's Report 2/22/2019
Trails have been touched up again and conditions are rated as "VERY GOOD".  We've been testing a demo groomer and hitting 24 quite often and also using our own machine for the rest of the system.  Trail Master says that conditions are as good as they're going to get...time to ride guys!  We'll be touching up the trails all weekend and all next week for NH school vacation. 
Also, the Newfound Lake ice fishing derby is this will be great for riding and fishing.  Come up and enjoy the area!

Trail Master’s Report 1/21/2019
Time to ride guys! The days are getting longer and we never know how deep the season will go. We have very good coverage and we’re burning up the hours and fuel to make the trails sweet just for you! We’re hitting just about the whole system every day and we’re ready to groom all weekend and next week for NH school vacation week!  The additional 3" of snow we go last night really freshened up the trails.  Conditions are VERY GOOD!

Trail Master’s Report 2/18/2019
If you rode early am yesterday you know the trails were in good shape. If you rode late afternoon, you know and FELT that there were a lot of sleds out. Most likely you felt that in your lower back! Corridor 8 (railroad tracks) got hammered!

We’ll continue to groom Corr 8, 24E and 24W and do what we can before sleds start riding this morning. And we’ll continue to touch up trails as needed all week. Please know that we’re having challenges with ice on hills in 3 areas; The Lake Trail, The Store Trail, and Drew’s Hill (heading towards Corridor) on 24E.

We’re out grooming Corridor 8 right now and we’ll try to make a few passes. A lot of extra work (we call it hours) needs to be out into this area due high traffic and damage caused by other vehicles. You may have seen wheeled ATVs on the tracks yesterday and it is legal for those wheeled vehicles to ride the tracks. We’re not looking for a debate here, you can contact the Trails Bureau if you want to express anything about it.

Trail Master's Report 2/17/2019
Trails are all touched up as of this morning...except for The Lake Trail...we could not get up the steep hill a few days ago and we are reluctant to head back down there until the snowpack changes. We are on the trails right now, 7:44am heading to get fuel at Newfound Grocery. You might see us heading back by way of P150 and 24E.
Don't forget The Homestead is open for lunch/dinner on the weekends and so is Bridgewater Inn. Newfound Grocery has premium fuel and snacks, etc...Outdoor Performance is the snowmobile dealer on the trails open until 12noon.
Watch for other riders out there, everyone is having fun just like you! sure to share the trails and wave to other folks skiing, mushing, snowshoeing, whatever...ride on!
Trail Master's Report 2/15/2019
We've been out yesterday, last night, and this morning.  The snow we have has been's making it difficult to groom.  The snow is simply not binding together well and our groomer cleats keep dropping right down to hiding ice.  Last night, we were not able to get up the steep section on the Lake Trail...we had to turn around and drive up the road to get back to another junction.  The Store Trail and the Lake Trail will be a little rough...make sure you have studs and good skills! 
Just know that we're making real efforts and putting in the time for the next two weeks so you can enjoy your MA and NH school vacation weeks.  We'll groom the hell out of that snow, but know that it will get loose real fast.  And you'll likely burn up the snow on the hills right down to ice. 
Be careful and watch your speed...easy in the corners...easy on the throttle...easy on the throttle up hills...try and help us keep the snow on the trails.  We'll groom it up at night as best we can. 
Trail Master's Report 2/14/2019
Early AM we groomed Corridor 8 (Railroad tracks) and 24 east and west.  We'll actually groom 24 west to where it meets Route 3A...this is Hardy Country's trail, but there is an icy section that is preventing their groomer from getting up the hill.  We won't groom the hill either, but we'll groom 24 west to that hill.  Just helping out our friends (ps...they'd do the same for us!)
Otherwise, trails look good today and folks were riding after we groomed yesterday.  The snow we got yesterday was very granular and did not set up well so the traffic that was out may have bumped it up quick.  Even though there is a brief warm up coming for tomorrow, we won't worry too much as we think it will help bind the snow together.
Planning to groom again tonight.  Weather forecast looks good for the next weeks...first of which is MA vacation week and the following is NH vacation week.  We'll plan to do our best to keep up with traffic so you guys can enjoy your winter breaks. 
Happy Valentines Day BMSC'ers!
Trail Master’s Report 2/13/2019
Received about 6” of new snow and we’re out packing it down now and trying to fix low spots and holes.  Any maybe even trying to cover some sketchy ice bubbles.  It will warm up today and we expect that to help settle the new snow (watch the video). We may get a little flurry later today if the weatherman gets it right.
Hoping for some good local riding this weekend with you guys!
Trail Master's Report 2/8/2019
Doesn't look good for weekend plans at the moment boys and girls.  As of noon today, we're holding at 39 degrees and the rain gauge is .44 in of rain.  We've driven around by truck to places where the trails cross the roads and we can see some standing water here and there.  We suspect that some hilly sections are VERY sketchy; Store Trail, Lake Trail, etc.  You saw from our video on Wednesday that trails were icy then and we had difficulty getting up the Store Trail, in fact we would get up in the groomer!
Weather is calling for a cold front to come through later this evening bringing freezing temps and sustained winds of at least 20mph for the next 24 hours.  Saturday will be freak'n windy and cold! 
So what does that mean for you?  Means our trails will likely be treacherous due to widespread icing.  Just because it gets cold this afternoon doesn't mean we can just head out and groom.  The surface of the ground needs to get a little colder and the water needs to drain from the snow.  We'll attempt to head out early tomorrow morning (before you get out of bed) and see if we can make any improvement to our lower trails.  If we can get some results, we'll head up the hills. 
We're not closed...but we don't think conditions will be worth risking getting injured or damaging your machines if it's as icy as we think.  You're smart enough to know what risks are out there...ride if you want, but we're not sure it's going to be all that enjoyable this weekend.  We'll report back ASAP tomorrow am. 
Trail Master’s Report 2/6/2019
Yes, the 50 and 60 degrees days back to back hurt the trails in our area. Trails are icy and we can hardly move the groomer around.  We are suspending grooming until Friday night. We suggest that you suspend riding for your own personal safety and to prevent damaging your machine.  If we can't move around, you likely cannot move around!  Watch the video on Facebook for more details!
Trail Master's Report 2/1/2019
Time to ride guys! We're back in really good shape and the entire system has been groomed...from the new Homestead Trail, Lake Trail, 24E, 24W, Primary 150, Talcott, to the Store Trail and Railroad tracks. Temps are cold, but it keeps the surface in good shape. Get out and ride and expect to see other riders taking advantage of the great conditions. Ride safe all!
Trail Master's Report 1/30/2019
7-9" of new snow in the lower elevations.  We expect more snow up high.  As of 5:30am today, we are heading out to groom Corridor 8 before the wind takes the snow off the tracks.  We'll attempt to get to most of the system over the next 48 hours and we'll be in great shape for the weekend! 
Trail Master's Report 1/25/2019
Ok guys, here is the deal.  We evaluated the conditions in partnership with our friends to the north/northwest, Hardy Country.  Our review was based on driving around to several areas to view trails and potential problem areas. 
Overall, our high-country trails are better than expected with decent snow still on the trails despite receiving over 2 inches of rain.  Down low, where our trails travel into Plymouth, the trails are literally under water...this is behind the Senior Center ( Corridor 8 ).  And where Corridor 8 meets 24, there is a decent sized meadow and it crosses a bridge there...that is underwater and not passable either.  Anywhere else that has a low flat meadow or field is suspect with a snow/slush/water mixture. 
We are not going out on the trails with any grooming equipment until Sunday night.  We've worked hard to create snow-bridges and if we run the groomer over these right now, it will collapse these soft bridges and just create open waterbars.  And yes, we don't think it's a great idea to ride the trails this weekend until things freeze up.  We can't tell you to stay off the trails, but we think it's best to stay off the trails until water recedes and everything freezes up solid.
You are welcome to post photos of scenes from our trail system here.  Sorry for the bummer-post, but this is the reality for most of the state right now.  More snow is expected for Tuesday.  We'll report back Sunday.
Trail Master's Report 1/21/2019
We've done a double shift today with Don earlier this morning and Eric this afternoon.  Eric is out right now (4:30pm).  Eric has done Talcott Trail 2x and he's headed down to the Lake Trail and Store Trail now.  Don did 24 and Corridor 8 (railroad tracks) earlier this morning.  According to the boys, the "trails are coming out great" and despite the cold, there are quite a few sleds out today.  You guys are hard-core sledders!!!
Just be careful guys, watch for blowing snow, drifts, and frostbite!
Trail Master's Report 1/13/2019
We went out and groomed 24 East, Talcott, and 150, and Poole Hill.  Trails saw A LOT OF PRESSURE which was awesome to see.  Keep speeds down as there are still random frozen waterbars (little dips, most are frozen, some are deep).  We need more snow to fill those in.  But overall, considering what we have, you can have a nice day out on the trails.  Enjoy and be safe.
Trail Master's Report 1/11/2019
As of today we've groomed the entire trail system, except Corridor 8 (tracks, not enough snow).  Some trails are as wide as the width of the drag or "one lane" and  some are "two lanes" meaning we've passed by twice.  We're leaving snow on the sides of the one-lane areas to pull snow into the trail tomorrow night to freshen things up for Sunday.  Know what we mean? 
Trail Master's Rating:  "Some areas are a 5...which includes some frozen water bars on 24.  Some lower areas of the Pemi Trail are thin in the woods.    A lot of areas are are solid 8.  Bring a camera with you; its' just plain beautiful out!" 
Thank you groomers for spending many hours cutting trees and getting in and out of the cab!  Thanks Don and Eric!
Please note that The Homestead is open for dinner only only Saturday.  You can get lunch on Saturday at Bridgewater Inn or Newfound Grocery.
Dress warm BMSC'ers, it's going to be a cold one! 
Trail Master's Report 1/9/2019
We have what we think is decent news: 24 hours and a different situation.  We have picked up another 4 to 5 inches of heavy wet snow and it's still coming down.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of trees hanging low; we need the wind to knock down the snow and cold to firm things up, which is coming. 
We are not going to groom today.  We will let this new snow settle on our recently groomed base.  Going to be really cold tonight, we will head out early am tomorrow and hit Pemi, Talcott, the new "Homestead Trail", and the Lake Trail first.  Then head for Village Trail (to Newfound Grocery), hopefully switch operators and hit the north side, 24, etc. 
No grooming today as snow is wet and we want (all the snow) on the ground to fill in holes, also need the wind to get snow off the trees (and land on the trails!). This will help greatly. 
Once the cold is here tonight and tomorrow and for the next several days, we'll have the best possible riding so far this season.  We thinks it's time come see us and ride local!
Trail Master's Report 1/4/2019
Local clubs to the north, east and south of us have announced they're open.  Here's the deal for us...we'll say we're not closed.  You can ride, the gates are open, and there are some good sections, ugly sections, and everything in between. 
Yes, you can ride, but use extreme caution.  The recent light snow is hiding hazards that are looking to ruin your day.  The worst of which is likely solid ice that has bubbled-up and froze...that means no brakes, steering, no traction, no safety!  Watch for water-bars and have REALLY LOW expectations. Like old school 70's snowmobiling expectations. 
We've NOT been out to survey the trails and we know there are a few trees down, but we're waiting to get the groomer out and address these trees while grooming.  If you see something small in the trail, please feel free to help out and clear it off the trial. 
We're not going to groom tonight or tomorrow...too warm and likely too thin.  You see, it's early season conditions are we just don't want to damage the equipment when we think good snow is right around the corner.  we may start to work on the trails Sunday night which marks the arrival of colder temps.  And...Tuesday may bring a reasonable storm so keep those fingers crossed! 


Trail Master’s Report 12/28/2018
So...not great news guys. We are just hoping that the rain for later today does not further erode the base. Almost every club south of Coos is pretty much in the same boat. You might get some riding at Bear Notch Road, and up at SDR and Pittsburg and a few other locations around the Presidential Mountains. We'll provide an update over the weekend if things change, but it appears that we'll be closed again this weekend.



Trail Master's Report 12/24/2018
Merry Christmas fellow BMSC'ers!

Sorry to report this guys, but we're still closed. We have some base, but nothing that would allow for safe or fun riding. We have some snow, and plenty of ice, dirt, and water. Yes, this truly stinks! We definitely need more snow to be open and maybe a few solid storms to get in shape.

We're very thankful to all of you members that have joined BMSC early to support our efforts to get the trails and equipment ready before the snow flies. Be patient, once the snow arrives, we'll work hard to make the trails great again!


Trail Master's Report 12/21/2018

Trails are considered closed at this time.  So far today we've received .5 inches of rain and 2" are possible once this weather event is over.  Please stay off the trails this weekend and until we report back.  There will likely be no riding this week south of Coos County and even that (Coos) may not be rideable as this rain even is covering the whole state.  Be patient, we're ready to get things in order for you guys.  We'll report back over the weekend.


Trail Master’s Report for Weekend Riding 12/15/18 & 12/16/2018
Just like George, we cannot tell a lie. We do have snow, a lot of it some places...other places...aaaaahhhh not so much. It's just that conditions are not consistent enough to have a good ride and not cause potential harm to your machine (or body). If you have an older beater-sled or work-sled and want to head out, trim some branches, move some limbs, have at it! But otherwise, we'd suggest waiting for the next storm system to pass...please don't drive 2 hrs to get here and ride...we don't want you to be disappointed. But there is snow on the ground and gates are open and we'll consider the trails as "open". (and before you ask, no the lake is not frozen and we'll never tell you if it's safe or not!)

Go north young man! Coos county seems to hold the jackpot on snow this weekend. We'll see you soon enough!