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Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club (BMSC) consists of 50 miles of trails in the Newfound Lakes region that travel through the beautiful Bridgewater NH mountains in the towns of Bridgewater, Ashland, Bristol, and Plymouth.

About Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club

Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club (BMSC) consists of 50 miles of trails in the Newfound Lakes region that travel through the beautiful Bridgewater NH mountains in the towns of Bridgewater, Ashland, Bristol, and Plymouth. The trails provide access to Ashland to the east (via Corridor 24), Newfound Lake to the south, and to the north-east, Plymouth and the railroad tracks leading north and south (Corridor 8). We pride ourselves on the quality and consistency of trail maintenance and grooming as well as frequent updates of current weather and trail conditions. We will display those real-time weather reports, photos, videos, and trail conditions on this site and our Facebook page.

The trail system offers several restaurants in Bridgewater, a convenience store and gas station as well as a full service snowmobile dealer. To the north in Plymouth and Rumney you'll find more restaurants and fuel and to the east in Ashland you'll also find restaurants and fuel.

Our trail system connects to other great local clubs; Hardy Country SC to the north following Corridor 24 to the western side of Newfound Lake into Hebron, Rumney and Dorchester Woods. Squam Trail Busters SC picks up on the east side of the Squam River following Corridor 8 to the east.

Thank you for visiting our site and we welcome you to join our club and ride our trails. We'll see you out in the mountains!


Bridgewater News and Announcements

October 2024 Club Meeting Announcement!
BMSC meeting tonight at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant. Our meeting schedule will attempt to follow the 2nd Thursday each month, unless something gets in our way. We have a meeting room reserved and it's open for us at 6pm to meet earlier and have dinner (on your own dime of course).

That earlier time is available for our folks to meet and chat socially and enjoy some light time before our official business meeting starts promptly at 7pm. We encourage visitors, especially those that might be considering learning more about the club and potentially filling one of our empty board seats.

March Club Meeting Announcement!
BMSC monthly meeting at The Homestead Restaurant Thursday night 3/14/2024 at 7pm sharp. Meeting room available at 6pm for you to arrive early and order food if you like (on your own dime).
That's a Wrap!
You knew this was coming...we don't like it either. We don't think anyone is out there riding, but we're officially asking you to stay off the trails. We're closed. The 10 day forecast has a majority of the days at or above 50 degrees and our base is disappearing by the minute. Our low elevation trails were already dirt, mud, and loose granular-rocks. So out of the utmost respect to our cherished landowners, please stay off the BMSC trails.
If we were making predictions, we suspect this is it for the season. It'll take a weather miracle of gargantuan proportions to put us back in business and the long-range forecast simply does not show that happening. It did happen several years ago in a freak-April storm and we had a great time. I suppose it could happen...
Note: We are not closing gates simply because we cannot get to all of them. Don't read "between any lines" here...we're still closed. They'll be closed once we can make our rounds. Thank you kindly for your understanding. We'll be back shortly to communicate our year in review.
February Club Meeting Announcement!
BMSC monthly meeting at The Homestead Restaurant Thursday night 2/8/2024 at 7pm sharp. Meeting room available at 6pm for you to arrive early and order food if you like (on your own dime). If you’re really lucky, you may be able to rub elbows with the BMSC board that is highly educated, better than average looking, Jack LaLanne strong, and Jerry Seinfeld funny.
Pending Snowfall 1/6/2024 into 1/7/2024
Yes, we have snow on the way. You have to keep these factors in mind...just two weeks ago this state sustained a variety of flooding events from heavy rains. In fact, at least one of our bridges was 6ft under water. What it means is the ground is still soft, water-logged, and we have running water despite the recent cold. We have cleaned up the trails from downed trees and limbs, but...
We don't believe we can open the trails with just one light snowfall. We do project it will take several storms to get enough snow to cover the trails adequately so we can run our 12,000 pounds equipment over the trails. Until we see what we get for snow, the trails are closed. We will respect the landowner property and only operate our equipment over the trails when there is enough base to protect the ground.
Please be patient. Likely the best local riding just might be the areas like the Northern Rail Trail that don't need a lot of snow to cover a very flat, water-free trail. Our trails are uphill, downhill, and follow a landscape around
mountains...mountains which drain water (at least when it's not frozen).
We'll update you all with a post over the weekend.
We'll just hope this storm tracks more north than expected.
December Club Meeting Announcement!
12/9/2023 BMSC December Meeting and Christmas Function at 4:30.
Our December BMSC meeting will be a meeting, dinner, and Yankee Swap event. The event will be held at a local venue and will be $30 cash per-person to attend, all beverages are on your dime. If planning to attend, kindly RSVP before 12/7 to email: Attendance is limited so we can't accommodate all RSVP’s, but we’ll confirm if you are in or not. As you can imagine, venues have limitations on the number of guests and this is no exception. When you RSVP we’ll provide the venue address if there is still space.
During dinner that will commence around 5, we will entertain some brief club business, and close the business portion efficiently to enjoy our meal together. Following desert, we will have a traditional (take someone else’s gift if you like it) Yankee Swap. $20 limit for swap. Our Vice Present Mike Phillips will run the swap and explain the rules. Bring a gift if you choose to participate. No gift, no participation.
Again, RSVP now if you want to attend, once we reach our limit, that’s it. Think Santa and snow everyone!
RSVP to this email:
Club Meeting Announcement, 11/16/2023!
Our next BMSC meeting is at 7pm at the Homestead Restaurant in Bristol NH, 11/16/2023.  We reserve a meeting room for 6pm if you choose to come eat, you can eat before the meeting in that room on your own dime, and the meeting starts promptly at 7pm. You are welcome to attend to see the "business" side of the club operations and who knows, maybe you want to be a part of that?
Club Meeting Cancelled Tonight 10/5/2023
Hi guys,
Sorry for the late notice...we have to cancel this week's BMSC meeting and move it to next Thursday. We have folks away and some out sick. See you next week, same venue, same time.
Club Meeting Announcement!
Ok guys, snowmobile season is upon us and coming fast. Our summer weather continues through tomorrow and this weekend brings the cold air back. What else does it bring? Our first BMSC meeting is this Thursday night and of course the 2023 Grass Drags in Freemont NH this Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
We have a lot to start to tell you about; all of our summer projects we've completed, asking you to get on the new NHSA club membership portal and join Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club, NH for the 2023-2024 season, and telling you what we know about the expected snowfall this season...yeah, we know how much snow we're going to get and it's going to be EPIC!!!
Back the meeting tomorrow night...7pm at the Homestead Restaurant in Bristol NH. We reserve a meeting room for 6pm if you choose to come eat, you can eat before in that room on your own dime, and the meeting starts promptly at 7pm. You are welcome to attend to see the "business" side of the club operations and who knows, maybe you want to be a part of that?


Club Meeting Announcement! Last one this season!

BMSC is having its last 2022/2023 season monthly board meeting at 7pm at the Homestead Restaurant 5/4/2023. You have not seen many of these announcements over the past few years since COVID was a thing; our meetings have been via Zoom.
Meetings are working meetings to discuss the operations of the club. Members are welcome to attend and who knows, you may have interest in taking on a role within the club, or maybe just learning more about how things work. Meeting starts on time and should be less than an hour.
***NOTE: You are welcome to meet at 6pm in the reserved meeting room and order dinner on your own dime pre-meeting; the room will be arranged for that. You may find that a good time to chat with some board members that arrive early and get to know us. We've meet some great folks lately at the meetings. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Club Meeting Announcement!

BMSC is having its monthly board meeting at 7pm at the Homestead Restaurant 4/6/2023. You have not seen these announcements over the past few years since COVID was a thing; our meetings have been via Zoom.

Meetings are working meetings to discuss the operations of the club. Members are welcome to attend and who knows, you may have interest in taking on a role within the club, or maybe just learning more about how things work. Meeting starts on time and should be less than an hour.
***NOTE: You are welcome to meet at 6pm in the reserved meeting room and order dinner on your own dime pre-meeting; the room will be arranged for that. You may find that a good time to chat with some board members that arrive early.
2022-2023 Official Close-out Summary
The trails officially closed last week. We can’t get to all of our gates to close them yet because it's too icy/sketchy to get out there and some are still frozen in the snow and ice, but the BMSC trail system closed. Thank you for respecting landowner property.
Thank you to the gracious landowners that support this great family sport and grant us the ability to use their land to have amazing amounts of fun during the winter.
Thank you to the new club members and renewal club members for the continued support of BMSC with your membership, generous donations, and kind words about grooming and trail reporting efforts. We appreciate you and the support you provide to us and also to the surrounding businesses on our trail system.
Thank you to the BMSC board and other local folks do something for the club to make it work every year; from the folks that file our paperwork with Trail Bureau, apply for grants, that write checks and watch our bank accounts and ensure we stay on track financially, to those that make and deliver maps to local stores, retailers that sell BMSC memberships, to the author of our Sno-Traveler articles, to the groomer operators, to all the business on the trail system that support our club, to the groomer maintenance folks at Prinoth, to the people that support our club with time or resources without asking, to the folks that help survey land to make new routes, to the folks that work on the trails all summer and fall, and to those that do things for us, that the rest of you will never even know about...we solute all of you. Please know that we appreciate all of you and your efforts to make a snowmobile season happen. It only happens with a team of people that do this cause this sport brings happiness and joy. Thank you.
Despite our early-season lack of snow, we consider this another successful season in our small place in the world. Our equipment made it through another season, we didn't break anything major, we are in good shape for next year, and we're already planning for the 2023-2024 season. Not bad. I'd venture to say we'll do it again next year. We'll see you again soon. - BMSC



You knew this was coming...we don't like it either. We're asking you to stay off the trails. Our low elevation trails are dirt, mud, and snirt (snow and dirt). Given our low trails, our groomer cannot get to higher ground, so out of the utmost respects to our cherished landowners, please stay off the BMSC trails.

We know there is weather coming in tomorrow, but we are unsure of what we'll get. If something goes sideways and we get a snowfall of generous proportions, we may say you can ride. But we're closed unless we have a new post stating as such.

Note: We are not closing gates simply because we cannot get to all of them. Don't read "between any lines" here...we're still closed. They'll be closed once we can make our rounds. Thank you kindly for your understanding.

Local News 2/13/2023

Alexandria Annual Fishing Derby is cancelled due to thin ice concerns on Newfound Lake.

2/2/2023 BMSC Board Meeting

BMSC is having its monthly board meeting at 7pm at the Homestead Restaurant 2/2/2023. You have not seen these announcements over the past few years since COVID was a thing; our meetings have been via Zoom.

Meetings are working meetings to discuss the operations of the club. Members are welcome to attend and who knows, you may have interest in taking on a role within the club, or maybe just learning more about how things work. Meeting starts on time and should be less than an hour.

11/22/2022 General Update...You Ready?
The trails are ready, the equipment is ready, our team is ready to have great season in the woods with you.  The question is...are you ready?
Did you get your BMSC renewal membership yet?  You know it saves you money when you register multiple sleds right?  Even if you register just one sled it's a break-even for you, but it greatly helps our club with your membership dues and possible donation.
Just a friendly reminder...the official opening date of the trail system is December 15, 2022, weather permitting, and with the approval of the State of New Hampshire.  Until that date, please stay off the trails.  If you see activity on the trails, it will likely be our trail maintenance crew.  Please wait for our word on the opening day.  We'll see you soon!
6/30/2022.  2022-2023 Officers
Our new slate of officers has been updated on the Admin page.  We've had some minor shifts in board roles, but we do have a new person in the group of Members at Large, Catherine Phillips.  Welcome Catherine!  Catherine is an avid snowmobiler and she enjoys the trail systems in the Newfound Lakes Region.  We look forward to her contributions and perspective!
Our team of trail maintenance folks has been out weekly working on the trails.  This time of year we are simply trying to keep the jungle from overtaking the trails so we're trimming back bush and limbs.  We're also (always) working on landowner relations and talking with owners while we're out on the trails.
3/18/2022.  We're done for the season...
The trails are officially closed and groomer is not going to move the rest of this season. We can’t get to all of our gates to close them yet because it's too damn icy/sketchy to get out there and some are still frozen in the ice, but the BMSC trail system closed. Thank you for respecting landowner property.
Thank you to the gracious landowners that support this great family sport and grant us the ability to use your land to have amazing amounts of fun during the winter.
Thank you to the club members for the continued support of BMSC with your membership, generous donations, and kind words about grooming and trail reporting efforts. We appreciate you and the support you provide to us and the surrounding businesses on our trail system.
Thank you to the BMSC board and other local folks do something for the club to make it work every year; from the folks that file our paperwork with Trail Bureau, apply for grants, that write checks and watch our bank accounts and ensure we stay on track financially, to those that make and deliver maps to local stores, retailers that sell BMSC memberships, to the guy that writes the Sno-Traveler articles, to the groomer operators, to all the business on the trail system that support our club, to the groomer maintenance folks at Prinoth, to the people that support our club with time or resources without asking, to the guy that digs out the snowbank at the foot of Newfound Lake, to the folks that help survey land to make new routes, folks that work on the trails all summer and fall, to those that do things for us that the rest of you will never even know about...we solute all of you. Might have forgot someone, but you know that we appreciate you too... Thank you.
Yes we feel like crying too, but we ended up having a hell of a good year considering the weather. Our equipment made through another season, we didn't break anything, we are in good shape for next year, and we're already planning for the 2022-2023 season. Not bad. I'd say we'll again next year...see you then! - BMSC
You saw the weather and we did too. We don't know what's going to happen. Don't plan on riding our system Saturday. The snow/rain line keeps flirting with the location of our trail system. There's a shot we might get groomable snow come Saturday night, but we just won't know until that evening.
Until then, the trails are closed. We will communicate with you Saturday afternoon about possible snow totals and if we're going to groom...if it (snow, the right type and amount = heavy wet snow of at least 6") arrives, we'll go out and groom all night so you can ride Sunday. Yeah, we'll groom it for your riding pleasure for Sunday and then warm temps come in next it's a one day deal for Sunday only, if the snow comes our way. Stay tuned...
3/7/2022, Closed?
We're not going to say we're completely done for the season yet...but for right now, please stay off the trails. We consider the trails closed to all use until we see how the weather plays out this week. There's always a million to one chance that a series of weather events puts some serious snow down for all of us. And you know how we work...if there is groomable snow, we're on it.
Stay tuned, but stay off the trails for now; we must preserve landowner property. We'll report back when new information is available.
Trails Are Open, Get Out and Ride 1/29/2022

Snow on the way, we are grooming like crazy, come have fun in the Newfound Lakes Region!  We have awesome trails, restaurants, gas, and lodging right on our trail system.

Helpful hints for 2022...
*Parking places are listed under the tab, "where to park".
**We don't have a place on the lake nor do our trails go on the lake.  We don't comment on whether the lake has any ice on any part of the lake, or if it's safe and where it's not.  Call NH F&G, talk to ice fishermen if you dare, drill a hole and find out yourself...we don't groom the ice and we don't tell you it's safe.
***Our trails don't go down Whittemore Point, whatever trails there are, they are rogue trails on private property.  We highly suggest skipping any attempts to navigate them.
****Be friendly, courteous and kind to everyone.  That person you might meet on trails on foot, on snowshoes, skis, with sled-dogs, just might be the landowner.  As I tell my kids, be a good representative.  You're a guest.
*****Join a club and support those efforts that support the sport of snowmobiling.  We don't mind if you don't join our club (we kinda do), just join one and participate if you can.
We are Still Closed, We are Still Sorry, Ugh! 1/4/2022
We've never been more prepared for the snowmobile season as this year.  A few new trail tweaks, equipment is ready, volunteers are ready, we've been working out, eating right, getting 8 hours of sleep, we've shaved (some of us our legs), and we're ready to get this party started.  But Mother Nature is not showing up for the party.  We know you know, but you know it's frustrating all of us.  Hang in there.  Keep the faith, everything is going to be alright.
BMSC is Thankful for You, David Bartlett
The Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club has lost one of its founding members and a great friend, David Bartlett. For many years, David was a vastly important person in our local-area snowmobile family. His days and nights of grooming with the old Polaris wide-track and homemade drag were stuff of local legend. He kept those little trails rideable and open and that took countless hours of time, energy, and sacrifice of his own family.
David worked tirelessly for the old Pemi-Club for many years as the Trailmaster of the mountain trails. He also worked very hard on the old annual snodeo’s at the south end of Newfound Lake, encompassing many jobs under some of the harshest weather conditions.
If something was broken, David would find the parts and get it going. When BMSC was founded, David was right there, with his wisdom and encouragement, never to give up until there was a solution to the problem.
Without question, our club and trails would not be where we are today, if not for David Bartlett. May you rest in peace David, the signs will go up and the groomer will go out, thanks to the foundation and training you set in place.
For you folks traveling to the Homestead Restaurant on our trails, think of David, because of his vision and efforts, the first half of that trail was his design. When you see the "David Bartlett Trail" sign at the beginning of the trail, think of a man who was a pioneer, who gave his spare time for the sport of snowmobiling, who was never too busy to help and needed no reward; "old school". We are thankful for you David.
"RIP my friend" Don LeClair, Trailmaster, Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club


We're some 36 days until the potential opening day for NH snowmobiling.  We've been working on a number of small projects during the off-season, which in the aggregate, will amount to some big changes out on the trails.

Now is the time to renew to your BMSC membership and get those machines registered.  That is the way you can support the great sport of snowmobiling in NH.  Much of the expense and work that we and other clubs have done is completed pre-season.  Please support the sport by joining a club now.  Thank you!

It's Been a Little Quiet Post Season

It's expected right?  Here are just a few housekeeping items to tell you about.  Officers have been voted in for the upcoming season they are listed below.  We continue to do trail maintenance on a weekly basis here and there.  The new groomer is undergoing fluid changes and some small warranty repairs.  We are planning for the upcoming season which will be here before you know it.  Enjoy the summer everyone!

  • President:  Jonah Daigle
  • Vice President: Keith Beausoleil
  • Trail Administrator:  Jonah Daigle
  • Treasurer: Pam Schofield
  • Secretary: Robin Woods
  • Trail Master: Don LeClair
  • Assistant Trail Master: Russ Chinnici
  • Member at Large:  Shane Buzzell
  • Member at Large:  George Faran
  • Member at Large:  Mark Gaulke
  • Member at Large:  Mike Phillips
  • Member at Large:  Denis Finnerty

A Word About the Ice

We prefer to not mention anything about the ice on the lake or river...we can NEVER tell you whether it's safe or not. We receive numerous inquires about the ice thickness. We don't measure it, test it, or go on it. Our trails don't go over the ice and we don't groom the ice...never have, never will. This year the locals know the entire lake only recently skimmed over with ice and now a thin layer of snow is hiding thin ice. WMUR reported several sleds through the ice on the north end of the lake this past weekend. We don't recommend you ride the lake ever, but if you do, you are obviously doing so at your own risk.  Want to know how thick it is?  Go drill a hole in the ice where ever you might ride.  If you can't do that, contact NH Fish & Game and if you don't know from there, just be safe and stay off the ice altogether.

Time to Ride Local?

Trail conditions are the best they've been all season.  That might not being saying much, because it's 2/4/2021 and many of us really have ridden locally yet.  This might be the weekend to stay local and enjoy the area!  Consider coming up and enjoying a little ride and eating at or getting takeout from your local favorite restaurants.  Weather looks perfect this weekend!

BMSC Club Meetings 2021

We continue to hold our meeting by zoom and have continued to only invite the board to manage the affairs of the club.  We have not met in person for quite some time and we envision we'll continue to to hold our meetings by Zoom for the foreseeable future.  This is a bit disappointing as we really enjoy meeting new folks that want to be involved in the club.

If you are interested in taking an an active roll in the club you are welcome to email us at to express your interest.

Thanks as always for your interest and support of BMSC.  We look forward to seeing you pass by on the trails someday soon.

We Just Sent Our First Newsletter in Years!

If you were a past member of the club and we have your correct (not fake) email address from your club membership, then there is an email in your inbox today (11/13/2020).  It could have went to your "spam" folder.  Please check your folders and check the newsletter for the the big news!

HUGE Changes this Season!  HUGE!!!

Yes, the website has been little quiet with information this summer. Why? We've been busy...working. Working our butt's off.

We've built 2+ miles of new trail that gets us off the plowed road around the Bridgewater Town House (Bridgewater Hill Rd).  This is something that we've trying to figure out for the past few years and it's finally done.  You are going to love it!

The other big news is that we're just inches away from putting our BR180 for sale and purchasing a newer machine to groom the trails.  We are doing this with club funds, the proceeds from the sale of the groomer, donations from a few generous benefactors, and we're going to be asking for you for your donation as well to help support the purchase.

Both of these things are big news for BMSC and local riding.  There will be more details to come soon.  But I can tell you this now...we need the support of your membership renewal today.  Our dues are of the lowest in the state.  Please send something extra to support to new groomer that will go towards paying off the balance.  We will be talking about our pay-off goal and updating you on the progress.

Big goals, big progress, big changes, going to be a big winter.

August 29, 2020 Special BMSC Meeting

The board is planning an outdoor socially distanced meeting to vote on some special items related to board elections, trail construction, and general club operations.  The meeting will be held at a local club member's residence and as such, we require an RSVP to attend.  Please contact to confirm your interest in attending and a reply will be provided with a meeting location.  We will require masks be worn for the meeting and if properly distanced, may be removed while seated.  We are being especially careful as some board members have health challenges.

Meeting will be Saturday August 29th at 4pm.

April 2, 2020 BMSC Meeting Cancelled

The board has decided in the grand scheme of life, the items that would have been discussed, can wait.  We envision a meeting with all us sitting outside in lawn chairs 6ft apart sometime this summer…be well!

Announcement!  Club Meeting 3/5/2020!

Thursday night, at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  Hope to see you there!

Improving, Slowly

Things are starting to come together and the forecast this week looks promising to allow us to keep what we have a new storm is predicted for Thursday.  Let's plan on a good storm for weekend riding!  Check back here or facebook for updates.

Announcement!  Club Meeting 2/6/2020!

Thursday night, at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  Hope to see you there!


Snowmobile Community; It’s a Real Thing

On Friday the 24th, our groomer went off the trail (Village Trail) heading uphill on an icy section. So icy it slip back and sideways and came to rest in a rather precarious spot! Upon inspection it was apparent we were going to need heavy-equipment and manpower (beyond mine) to get it out. We called Ryan and Nick Hall from the Newfound Store and Hall's Excavating. We collectively determined that we needed a skidder and more help.

Made a call to my friend Dave Loyd from Hardy Country Club, who without hesitation said, "I'll be over" and he came with Jim Bilodeau, Trail Master from Hardy Country. A this point, Mike Sharp, from Sharp Enterprises was organizing his flatbed trailer to move the skidder to the base of the trail and onto the groomer location, about one mile away.

Collectively we determined we wanted the machine back on the trail and off the trail before dark, as it was in a bad location and a hazard. The whole operation went perfect; track back on adjusted, machine checked for damage, none found, fluid checked no leaks, hooked the drag back on and off we go.

The point of this story is to highlight the willingness of our members; Hall's Excavating Family, the adjoining club - Hardy Country, and a local Logging Company, to come help when we needed it most.

On behalf of myself and the Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club, I would like to thank Ryan and Nick Hall for all their help, David Loyd and Jim Bilodeau, from the Hardy Club for their expertise and efforts. Finally, a major thank you to Mike Sharp for going out his way to ensure we had the proper equipment and make the rescue a success.

In the end we can say this...without clubs helping each other and the support of local businesses, Hall's Excavating and Sharp Enterprises, there would be no snowmobiling...plain and simple. I can never thank these folks enough.

Don LeClair - Trail Master - BMSC


Newfound Grocery, might be able to fit a truck or two at the Big Catch at the south end of Newfound.  Power Plant in Bridgewater (right on the tracks, Corridor 11), intersection of Dick Brown Rd and Poole Hill Rd.

Announcement!  Club Meeting 2/6/2020!

Thursday night, at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  Hope to see you there!

Happy New Year!  We're Open!

If you’re going sledding please join a club before you register.  Not only to get a discount,  but to support our efforts.  Don’t expect the registration agent to help you join a club; it’s not their part of their job and takes a few extra minutes and they likely don’t have a spare computer kicking around so you can sign up.  Everything is all online now.  It’s very hard to join on your smartphone...join at home on your PC or larger tablet, it’s much easier with the bigger screens.

Skipping out on joining the club of your choice means you don’t get to support your club’s efforts directly.  Joining BMSC for example, helps us know if we’re doing the right things to earn your support.  It’s the most obvious way that we can know if we’re doing a good job for you.  And we do want to earn your business, thank you for supporting BMSC!

Announcement!  Club Meeting 1/2/2020

Thursday night, January 2, 2019 at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  All are welcome to attend and meet the board and learn how things work behind the scenes.  Hope to see you there!

Announcement!  Club Meeting & Christmas Party 12/7/2019!!!

We are having our meeting/dinner/Yankee-Swap at Bridgewater Inn restaurant.  We'll meet at 5:30 for a brief board meeting and at 6pm we'll start our dinner.  Dinner cost is $15 per person (this is a bargain!). Please bring cash to make it easy for us to stay organized and pay the restaurant.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP email how many of you will attend to: We really need a headcount so we can plan for space and food.

After dinner we'll have a traditional Yankee-Swap.  Gift value $20.  Participate only if you want to.  Some folks spend more than $20 so bring a nice gift will ya?!

We're looking forward to it!

Announcement!  Club Meeting 11/7/2019!!!

Thursday night, November 7, 2019 at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  Hope to see you there!


Announcement!  Club Meeting!!!

BMSC first meeting of the season is Thursday night, October 3, 2019 at 7pm at The Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  We have much to discuss in preparation for the upcoming season.  Hope to see you there!

Time to Get This Party Started!

Personally, I've been thinking about sleds for the past 30 days.  Got the sleds to the shop for some pre-season service and organized the trailer.

The club has been working all summer...we've been cutting back brush and the groomer was in for some service and it just came back to the garage.

It's not too early to renew your club membership with BMSC.  We're starting to see a few trickle in which helps with the expenses the club is already incurring; groomer maintenance, fuel for the equipment to cut back trees, and so on.  We appreciate early membership renewals as it gives the club the spark to keep pushing early season and things ready for the riders.

We'll have a work detail or two coming up soon, so stay tuned!



*******These are digital snowflakes********




BMSC Closing for the 2018-2019Season

It's sad and bittersweet, but we are officially closed. We've held onto snow up top, but down low there are many locations where the ground is showing and we've got to preserve and protect the landowners' property. We'll see 60 degrees this coming Saturday. Time to pull the plug, officially. Don't forget, there is still riding to be had in Coos County though.

But, we had a WONDERFUL season overall and we are so very appreciative of the local landowners that allow us access to the beautiful countryside in the Newfound Lakes region. We had an impressive group of new and returning riders that supported BMSC with their membership dollars by joining and renewing their "dues" with the club...for that we are flattered and grateful. With great effort and cooperation a new trail was built to the Homestead Restaurant. Many hands made that happen and we could not be more pleased with the result. We used up all of our grooming hours and then some. Our grooming equipment performed very well all season because our team maintains the hell out of that machine. We tested two new brands of groomers and we've conclusively decided on a machine, and now it's up to the universe to align for it actually happen...more on that some other time. And our board and regular volunteers have never been stronger; perhaps there are some new faces that will begin to make valuable contributions to team BMSC next season and we look forward to that.

Overall, we had a kick-ass season and we truly hope you got to experience the local trails at their best. Every year this organization tries it very best, with volunteers mind-you, to bring you the best possible grooming, communication of conditions, and overall experience you and your family might have on the trails. We know we're a small club, but our area is a critical access area that brings access to the lake, gas, a snowmobile dealer, restaurants, and access points to the south, north, east and west. Thank you everyone and we'll look to continue to earn your support next season with more of the same. Thank you for a kick-ass 2018-2019 season. Ride on!

March BMSC Monthly Meeting 3/7/2019

We'll meet at the Homestead Restaurant Thursday 3/7/2019 at 7pm sharp.  Club members and public are welcome to attend.  You could even ride there!  See you then!

February BMSC Monthly Meeting 2/7/2019

We'll meet at the Homestead Restaurant Thursday 2/7/2019 at 7pm sharp.  Club members and public are welcome to attend.

Where to Park?

Newfound Grocery has ample parking...parking lot just south of the Bridgewater Power Plant...junction of Dick Brown Road and Poole Hill Road...maybe a truck or two at the Big Catch on the southern most point of Newfound Lake. 
At this point, Newfound Grocery has the biggest lot, has fuel and groceries, right next to Bridgewater Inn & Restaurant, and Outdoor Performance (Ski Doo Dealer) is right there too.  Can't go wrong!

Super Important Note:

We don't own the trails.  We don't have exclusive rights to use the trails.  If you see someone outside enjoying the trails on snowshoes, cross-country skis, mushing with their dogs, just know this...they are outside enjoying the trails just like you.  Be cautious, slow down, smile and wave.  If you happen to tell them to get off the trails or out of your way, just remember, there's a damn good chance you're yelling at the landowner.  That landowner has EXCLUSIVE rights to his/her land.  So if that happens again, like it did this week, you just might get the trail closed for good.  YOU'RE A GUEST, TREAT ALL TRAILS THAT WAY.  Smile, wave, and say thank you.  Carry on!

We're Riding this Weekend...Are You?

Many of you will arrive at local sled registration agents without a "VOUCHER NUMBER".  Do yourself and the registration agents a favor and sign up for Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club online at home, on your own computer.  It will be MUCH EASIER.  You have a few days to get it done.   See the link below and the prior story with the video instructions on how to do this...IT'S EASY!  Thanks for joining BMSC!

How to Register Your Sled Video

Many riders are having difficulty registering their sleds this year with changes. Most important to know is that in order to get the NH discount, you need to join a club and we suggest doing that online.  The goal is secure your 2018-2019 voucher number.  Then bring that voucher number to your favorite registration agent and you’ll get your stickers at a discount.  We HIGHLY suggest you join a club on your computer at home, not on your phone.  Please watch our video in the link above for instructions.  It’s actually very easy.  Thanks for joining BMSC!

January BMSC Monthly Meeting 1/3/2019

We'll meet at the Homestead Restaurant Thursday 1/3/2019 at 7pm sharp.  Club members and public are welcome to attend.  See you there!

December BMSC Meeting & Christmas Party! - Keith @ 10:48 EDT

Where: Bridgewater Inn
When: 12/8/2018 at 6pm
What for: Club dinner party $15 per person including gratuity. Short meeting to follow.
What Else: Old School Yankee Swap. Gift item of $20 if you want to participate.

**Always great food and fun for everyone!

Please RSVP to:

How to Get Your BMSC Membership Online - Keith @ 07:02 EDT

Please head to our Facebook page to see our video. You need to get a voucher to register your sleds at a discount. Facebook is changing how our posts show in your feed, so please go directly to our page to watch the how-to video.

Where to Park?

Newfound Grocery has ample parking...parking lot just south of the Bridgewater Power Plant...junction of Dick Brown Road and Poole Hill Road...maybe a truck or two at the Big Catch on the southern most point of Newfound Lake. 
At this point, Newfound Grocery has the biggest lot, has fuel and groceries, right next to Bridgewater Inn & Restaurant, and Outdoor Performance (Ski Doo Dealer) is right there too.  Can't go wrong!

Super Important Note:

We don't own the trails.  We don't have exclusive rights to use the trails.  If you see someone outside enjoying the trails on snowshoes, cross-country skis, mushing with their dogs, just know this...they are outside enjoying the trails just like you.  Be cautious, slow down, smile and wave.  If you happen to tell them to get off the trails or out of your way, just remember, there's a damn good chance you're yelling at the landowner.  That landowner has EXCLUSIVE rights to his/her land.  So if that happens again, like it did this week, you just might get the trail closed for good.  YOU'RE A GUEST, TREAT ALL TRAILS THAT WAY.  Smile, wave, and say thank you.  Carry on!

We're Riding this Weekend...Are You?

Many of you will arrive at local sled registration agents without a "VOUCHER NUMBER".  Do yourself and the registration agents a favor and sign up for Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club online at home, on your own computer.  It will be MUCH EASIER.  You have a few days to get it done.   See the link below and the prior story with the video instructions on how to do this...IT'S EASY!  Thanks for joining BMSC!

How to Register Your Sled Video

Many riders are having difficulty registering their sleds this year with changes. Most important to know is that in order to get the NH discount, you need to join a club and we suggest doing that online.  The goal is secure your 2018-2019 voucher number.  Then bring that voucher number to your favorite registration agent and you’ll get your stickers at a discount.  We HIGHLY suggest you join a club on your computer at home, not on your phone.  Please watch our video in the link above for instructions.  It’s actually very easy.  Thanks for joining BMSC!

January BMSC Monthly Meeting 1/3/2019

We'll meet at the Homestead Restaurant Thursday 1/3/2019 at 7pm sharp.  Club members and public are welcome to attend.  See you there!

December BMSC Meeting & Christmas Party! - Keith @ 10:48 EDT

Where: Bridgewater Inn
When: 12/8/2018 at 6pm
What for: Club dinner party $15 per person including gratuity. Short meeting to follow.
What Else: Old School Yankee Swap. Gift item of $20 if you want to participate.

**Always great food and fun for everyone!

Please RSVP to:

How to Get Your BMSC Membership Online - Keith @ 07:02 EDT

Please head to our Facebook page to see our video. You need to get a voucher to register your sleds at a discount. Facebook is changing how our posts show in your feed, so please go directly to our page to watch the how-to video.